PH up/down


Well-Known Member
i'm going to have to search to find out. the brand is api, but the ph up does not list the base. i do know that sodium hydroxide is the one to stay away from, but i don't know about bisulfate. gut tells me it's good. but i want to make sure before i say the wrong thing.

my ph down is a mild sulfuric acid.



Well-Known Member
ok, you're good to go. i found the chemistry behind ph up and down, and it turns out that sodium bisulfate is generaly made by combining sodium hydroxide (dangerous in it's own form) and sulfuric acid (ditto)

this is used in pet foods, therefore i would assume it is also safe for plants. this is from wiki

Sodium bisulfate is produced by two methods. One method involves mixing stoichiometric quantities of sodium hydroxide and sulfuric acid which react to form sodium bisulfate and water.

NaOH + H2SO4 → NaHSO4 + H2O


* Household cleaners
* Silver pickling
* To reduce alkalinity and pH in swimming pools
* In pet foods[1]
* As a preservative for soil samples in analytical laboratory analysis

hope that helps.



Uses the Rollitup profile
I wouldn't use anything that has any kind of sodium in it. Sodium may be fine for pools and even fish, but it kills plants.

HTH :mrgreen: