Ph too high


Active Member
Can someone describe to me what happens to the leaves of a plant when the PH levels are too high with plants that are in soil.It seems that it shows right after a watering or feeding.I'm trying to diagnose a problem that im having, and i cant seem to find an answer that best fits.I have a pic. but i want to know what you describe first.Its very frustrating.Thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
too high ph causes lockout of most nutes if over 7.5 for too long....Your plant will yellow at the tips and some lower leaves may die off....Slow growth and weak purple stems may also result. All resembles deficiencies but is caused by lockout. With High ph or overfeeding, your plant will start to show signs of stress by falling over or being flimbsey.


Active Member
Thanks man, that was a big help.I think you called it on that one,you really now your shit, thanks again.