pH Tester


Well-Known Member
start with can get em for under 5 bucks and they do the trick...

i've been using them for 3 grows now and soil is so forgiving that you as long as it's between 6 and 7 on the strips you're fine...that's the cheap-o way i've spent 10 bucks and it's done me fine for now...

but if you got the cash, go for it! i can't wait to get me a pH/ppm meter, just couldn't justify the speak right now


Well-Known Member
ebay....... look for a hanna... or if you are short on cash sb101 is correct, the strips and drops work just fine.


Well-Known Member
if you want a soil tester they are $12 in the garden section of home depot...i thought you were looking for a solution teter....