pH question


I have a question about the pH of my soil. I checked the pH of my tap water and it is neutral (7.0) and I'm using Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil, which I've read is also supposed to be pH neutral.
When I checked the pH of my soil today, it was 3.5. What is causing the pH to drop from 7 to 3.5?


Active Member
Dunno what's causing it but I'd get that fixed ASAP. You'll probably need to flush to get the PH straightened out. You sure your meter or test couldn't be wrong cause that's like wayyyy off. =(

The best combo imo is to have the soil at about 7.0 then water at 6.5. =)


Active Member
if your useing a home depot or lowes, harbor freight internet, 15 dollar ph soil meter it wrong get some strips from the local grow.gardening store lot of plants need ballnaced ph.


how did you test your ph of the soil from the runoff or did you stick a probe into the soil?
I stuck one of those soil meters with the probes into the soil. It's possible that it's wrong. It was like $5 at Lowes.
I don't think I need to flush yet because I haven't put anything into the soil but water. Yes, it's tap water, but it's neutral pH, and I filter it with a Brita filter and let it sit out 24 hours before using.
Does the pH change after sitting out?


Well-Known Member
go to the local grow shop and ask for some hydrated lime...not the dolomite lime but the is more fast acting.....If it was me I would coat the top of the soil with some lime then water it in heavy with a PH adjusted water of 6.3-6.5........I'm sure someone will argue this but it has worked for me!!! Good luck


Well-Known Member
Even if the meter is wrong the lime won't hurt but actually helps stabilize the ph and keep it from drifting too far away from 7...if it isn't already....those meters suck...same with the moisture meters