your vegan fertilizers will work, even though they have no shit in them, being vegan just means they are not from animals, thus they are mostly synthetic or geological. i like shit. shit works, shit doesnt require extensive mechanical or chemical modification, and shit is an abundant renewable resource. chemical fertilizers are considered substandard and undesirable in the age of organic farming, Vegan Fertilizers is just a way to market inorganically derived fertilizers as being holier than thou, rahter than what they used to be called. synthetic. their main source of nitrogen is alfalfa, which herbivores process for us as SHIT. they would have to use bacterial composting to make the stuff into shit, just bacterial shit instead of cow shit. of course bacterial composting produces massive amounts of methane gas, which is 4x more powerful as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide! For Shame! why do you hate the planet?
seriously, if your ph is between 7.5 and 6.5 your plants will grow, but they will do better if you even it out towards 7.0 cannabis preferrs a little acidity over alkaline soils so 7.0-6.7 is where you want to be. if you scoot too far to acid its easier to correct than alkaline soils anyhow, so i always lean towards a mild acidity in my soil.
if you got the probe tester with one copper rod and one aluminium rod all that thing tests in your dirt is electrical charge. 1 tablespoon of baking soda dissolved in 8 ounces of water should give me a PH of 8.0-8.5, and a cup of household cider vinegar should read 6.0 - 6.2 those probes will move the needle to the right regardless of which one you dip into. either of these solutions will create an electrical charge when the probes go in, and thats all they measure in the PH scale.
today i tested one of those fuckers and both solutions came up with a reading of acidity. baking soda in water read about 5.2, and ordinary cider vinegar read a whopping 3.5, which is approaching industrial acids. use a real PH tester to get a real reading. you really cant count on those things. silly me for thinking home depot had useful testing equipment. good thing i use old fashioned litmus paper and a color chart to monitor my PH. they are a pain in the ass, but the cheap meters are crap.
a digital PH tester from a pool supply store, ph test strips or a ph pen from a lab supply shop will give you the straight poop
as far as the light readings, they dont seem too inaccurate but i dont use a light meter normally. my grow room comes up with a reading of 250, which seems about right, im using fluorescents rather than HID lighting. 500-550 is better than i got if its accurate. 4 feet of space from a 600 watt HID (high pressure sodium or metal halide, either one) is rather a lot of spacing. 2 1/2 to 3 feet would be adequate to keep the tops from burning. overall your plants look pretty healthy but just lack a few nutrients.
81 degrees may not seem very hot, but your plants will gas off large amounts of water to stay cool in those temps. if the water cant evaporate to cool the leaves then the leaf will die. two leaves resting on top of each other will both sweat shittons of water, and both leafs will die where they overlap. thats why you need to keep the leafs moving. if the humidity gets real high, then your plants will simply stew in their juices and growth will be slowed. ventilate more. if temps get above 80, keep the humidity lower. remember that humidity is actually Relative Humidity! (50% humidity at 80 degrees is wet as fuck! 50% humidity at 70 degrees is perfect.) everybody forgets the relative part. in a sealed chamber with no external water source, relative humidity changes inversely with temp. RH goes down as it gets warmer in the chamber, and goes up as it gets colder. the actual volume of water in the air doesnt change, only the relative humidity changes. cold air holds less moisture than warm air can, so the water can condense out easier when it's cold.