ph problems


Active Member
when i put fresh water into my aerogarden at a ph of 5.8 in less than an hour it jumps up to 7.2 or higher. the plants are a month old we are using miracle gro and the aerogarden tabs for nutes and using viniger to lower the ph. we are just starting out with regular tap water. what the hell is going on??????????


Elite Rolling Society
It is the miracle grow, that you are experimenting with. Just stick to the aergarden nutes, they are pH balanced.


when i put fresh water into my aerogarden at a ph of 5.8 in less than an hour it jumps up to 7.2 or higher. the plants are a month old we are using miracle gro and the aerogarden tabs for nutes and using viniger to lower the ph. we are just starting out with regular tap water. what the hell is going on??????????
don't use miracle grow, the AG tabs are fine. and buy PH down at the pet store for $5. don't use vinegar. your PH is jumping probably because of the miracle grow and the AG tabs being used at the same time and not having a proper ph controller like PH down.


Active Member
when i put fresh water into my aerogarden at a ph of 5.8 in less than an hour it jumps up to 7.2 or higher. the plants are a month old we are using miracle gro and the aerogarden tabs for nutes and using viniger to lower the ph. we are just starting out with regular tap water. what the hell is going on??????????
I recommend using distilled water. Depending on where you live, tap water is probably the worst. I rarely have ph problems.


Active Member
any idea how to fix this should i just flush with fresh proper ph water with no nutes until the ph stables ??


any idea how to fix this should i just flush with fresh proper ph water with no nutes until the ph stables ??
the PH will be stable as long as you stop putting shit in it, just the AG tabs. also use bottles water don't use water from the tap, tap water has bad stuff in it, like chlorine. One thing to keep in mind is that the ph will fluctuate it's common, I have to lower my PH at least once every couple days. just use bottled water with the AG tabs and use ph down to control the ph, check the ph everyday and adjust as needed. keep in mind it's common to have to lower the ph every couple days especially in a aerogarden.

I know bottled water can be an expense. I fortunately have a ice mountain account(if you intend to grow a lot, bottle water service is cheap and easy about $20 a month). if you have to use tap water let it sit out overnight to evaporate all the bad stuff.


Well-Known Member
and if you use OZONATED or ReverseOsmosis water you dont have to use that much down to get that ph where it needs to be.get sum liquid nutes,like the general hydroponics line or foxfarm,sumthin like that works real well with the AG.