PH problems with soil


bud bootlegger
well i always ph my tap water to see what i am working with initially ...have lived in 3 homes in the last 7 years and all with varying ph from not testing is just dumb if i never checked the ph of my most recent place i would have been fine because it was almost neutral ..but that would be taking a big chance that after a month i would have to fix many problems...and no offense to to fdd but a chimpanzee could grow trees in cali with a card really is not that hard
so you're saying a monkey could grow these monsters??? i think you're crazy if you think that to be true..


New Member
Nice vid!!! Ok, so my buddy contacted Fox Farm about my PH problem. They told him that runoff is not an accurate war to test your PH. They said that a slurry test was the most accurate home test. We never heard of a slurry test so they explained the steps like so;Test one:
Mix one part soil and one part water. Let sit for one hour. Test water from mix and you should get between 5.2-5.7 as a PH.

Test two:
Mix one part soil and five parts water. Let sit for one hour. The water from this mix should be between 6.2-6.8 as a PH.

I ran these test and got a 6.3-6.5. I will slowly try to bring it up a couple of points, but I feel a lot better having direct advice from fox farm. I hope this test is accurate. My plants sure look good, I think I'm a believer. Maybe I just want to believe, lol


New Member
Well, my runoff water has been testing in the 5's. It's all in this thread. I followed instructions by fox farm and did a slurry test on my soil and it says I'm good. I'm wondering if anyone else has heard of a slurry test and how accurate they are. How you been buddy?


Active Member
good imma lst my plants tonight and watch them grow next week ill add the first nutes and i need to check my rundown water, i didnt even think to bt coffee if you need N and worm casting if your ph gets to high


New Member
Good to know. I found some stuff called high yield that's pretty cheap. You can get straight N, P, or K. Talk about controlling the mix to what you want. I'm gonna ask around about it and may try it when I'm out of fox farm. Unless I get a bad ass harvest off of the fox farm and I probably won't change but one thing at a time and gauge the success of each change. I might just get high and wing it. I'm a fuckin nut, you knever know what I'll do! Lol


Active Member
hahahahha i get you got to get a feel for the plant tho check out my journal imma post some new pics
Good to know. I found some stuff called high yield that's pretty cheap. You can get straight N, P, or K. Talk about controlling the mix to what you want. I'm gonna ask around about it and may try it when I'm out of fox farm. Unless I get a bad ass harvest off of the fox farm and I probably won't change but one thing at a time and gauge the success of each change. I might just get high and wing it. I'm a fuckin nut, you knever know what I'll do! Lol