PH problem


I know this has probably been beat to death but i've tried reading everything and applying what i read but it just isnt helping.

Im using promix bx and im in my 2nd week of flower and my ph is coming out at 6.1 but thats with me watering with 7.6ph water.

Now i tried top dressing with dolomitic lime and it didnt help at all. Exact same ph coming out. So then i tried adding a bit more and tried flushing it through but actually dropped my ph to 5.9.

I've only been experimenting with 1 plant just incase so just looking for a little advise on what to try or what will work would be best i guess.


Well-Known Member
I know this has probably been beat to death but i've tried reading everything and applying what i read but it just isnt helping.

Im using promix bx and im in my 2nd week of flower and my ph is coming out at 6.1 but thats with me watering with 7.6ph water.

Now i tried top dressing with dolomitic lime and it didnt help at all. Exact same ph coming out. So then i tried adding a bit more and tried flushing it through but actually dropped my ph to 5.9.

I've only been experimenting with 1 plant just incase so just looking for a little advise on what to try or what will work would be best i guess.
You say all this but not how the plant looks?


Well-Known Member
Have you tried some Epson salt dissoved at 1tbl spoon per gallon?Id add a little Fish emulsion for nitrogen also.


Well-Known Member
Looks rootbound with salt burn, repot. Also your right the ph is out, just make sure all waterings and feeds go in at 6.5. And give them a flush now with 6.5 water.


Will they really get root bound that fast? They were in 2gal pots for about 3 weeks then i put then into the 4gal and they have been there for about 3 weeks now.