Ph Problem


Well-Known Member
PH is goin thru the roof, is there anything I can use that might be lying around my kitchen that will bring the levels down, I read once on this site that you can use vinegar to bring the level up or down and another product to do the opposite, does anyone know what these Items are???????? (I know about the PH up and PH down but there a little expensive right now, around 15 doll. for one.
vingegar DOWN
baking soda UP

it takes veryvery little binegar to adjust even large amounts of water...

do you have a pH tester?

yeah, I have a ph tester, that sticks in the dirt and measures light, moisture, and ph,,, and the ph is at 7,,,,,,, and both plants not lookin healthy yet still flowering,,, hope to hear from ya soooooooon, thanx a shit load...
oh yeah, does anyone know how much vinigar I should add to one gallon of distilled water to rectify this ph nightmare, before I start experimenting myself. And will the vinigar have any negative reactions on maladies....