Ph problem...should i use distilled?


Well-Known Member
MY PH out of the tap is like 7.13 but the shit is really hard especially here where I am in the windy city. I have went through a whole bottle of ph down over a months time trying to tame this tap water. After I treat it and get it down to where I need it to be between 5.8-6.00 it bounces back more than .10 and im being modest. Before I go spend more money would you guys suggest Distilled? I mean looking at this I spend 6.00 on a bottle of ph down but distilled is like less than a dollar.

Am I right in my logic?

keep in mind the babies are suffering and I found out I have two girls still in veg smh :confused:

I hate to admit it but I am getting frustrated. by the way I have a hydro bubbler setup.


Well-Known Member
That should be fine, before I became a "technical" grower I used water from the hose and honestly my leaves never yellowed or anything, that ph was around 7.5 too. OH just saw that your doing hydro, that ph must be regulated I'm guessing.


Well-Known Member
Use vinigar you will save a fortune does the same job,There is no need for disstilled water.By useing vin his will lower the ph of the water.


As the previous grower said, vinegar is the best and I believe you may have another problem from adding so much Ph down. You may have a soil lock up which will do in your plants. If they are not too bad now, I would flush with a couple of quarts of distilled water at two different intervals of 10 minutes or more and then add distilled water with about a tablespoon of vinegar. Then test Ph of your soil or? and adjust very delicately after that- I like distilled water but I realize many growers do not need to use it- I wonder how you have determined that your tap water is 7.13? That would take a very accurate test to determine that. After flushing with distilled water and adding a small amount of vinegar, you may well be able to use your tap water but will need to adjust with very small amounts of vinegar.


Well-Known Member
As the previous grower said, vinegar is the best and I believe you may have another problem from adding so much Ph down. You may have a soil lock up which will do in your plants. If they are not too bad now, I would flush with a couple of quarts of distilled water at two different intervals of 10 minutes or more and then add distilled water with about a tablespoon of vinegar. Then test Ph of your soil or? and adjust very delicately after that- I like distilled water but I realize many growers do not need to use it- I wonder how you have determined that your tap water is 7.13? That would take a very accurate test to determine that. After flushing with distilled water and adding a small amount of vinegar, you may well be able to use your tap water but will need to adjust with very small amounts of vinegar.
I use a ph test pen I am also growing by means of hydro. I was using vinegar for some time but it the ph would go back up faster in a shorter amount of time than with the ph down. Hydro is kicking my ass I am hoping that distilled will work for me. Should i still flush with distilled or can i even do that?