So just started a new doc. 20 gallon with three sweet tooth clones, going to try scrog net. Supernatural notes ultimate thrive and aqua bloom. Was given bloom by accident last time but it worked great so we are sticking with it. A grower friend of mine told me is had a mag deficiency so I put in a tbs of Epsom salt. Did a of liar feed as well. Yesterday I checked ph which supernatural usually buffers and always has and it was 8.5 added some distiller vinegar, stirred around and it was 6. Checked this morning and it was back to 8.5 wth is going on? Have never had this happen before. Plant roots are exploding but leaves are looking not so good. Cut one way back this morning. So I'm thinking note lockout because of ph but not sure how to fix it. Using same water source as last time as well. Any ideas please? I will try to post a pic