ph probe ?


Active Member
So i spent 28 US on a ph meter for soil . I stick in into freshly watered soil and it acts like it has a heartbeat . it does not hold still . Then if i touch it or move it at all it jumps all over the place . Is this normal ? How do i use this tool correctly to get a somewhat accurate reading . someone help a newb out .


Active Member
I have a soil probe too and I think it just sucks. The reason I do soil is so I don't have to worry about PH too much. If you have a proper mix and are putting in PHed water I wouldn't worry about it. I think it uses conductivity or something to measure so maybe the excessive wetness of being freshly watered causes the jumpiness. How's it work in dryer soil?


Well-Known Member
Use the meter in the water/nutes and runoff ,best not to shove it in soil if you are referring to something like this--imagesCACF4UAU.jpg