pH/PPM Monitors: Which one's the best?


So, today I'd like to ask a few questions regarding brands of nutrient meters and how reliable/accurate they are.
I've found a few options I thought could work well based on reviews, but any confirmation on these would be nice.

1. Bluelabs TRUNCOMV2 commercial truncheon nutrient meter

2. Hanna Meter
Seem's to be some concerning reviews on amazon but perhaps it's just this meter? Are any of their other meters any good?

3. Groline
Just another option around the same price.

4. Apera Instruments

Any other brands anyone can recommend?
I loved my Hanna. Till it broke. Was about $200CDN. Now I’m just buying a mediocre one for $50 from amazon.
truncheons are damn near indestructible. a friend of mine has been using the same one for about 8 years, still kicking despite heavy abuse. i have used quite a few over the years, they are good to go imo. bluelabs combo meters, not so much
i use a groline combo currently. mine looks different than the one you linked to though. i like it a lot. its only been in service for a year or so, so i cant comment on the durability just yet. i like the .00 graduation and single probe aspects in particular
I have the truncheon and apera ph60 you linked, both are quality instruments. I calibrate the apera on the first of each month and it just read 7.01 in 7.00 calibration solution. The thing stays accurate and has some nice features for the price.
I have a truncheon, blue lab, hanna grow line soil, Apera... have used a lot of different ones in my time. They all work. I like my Apera a lot but it needs calibrating more often than my Blue Lab. The Hanna is ok.

TBH I would go with a Blue Lab if I were to buy another today. The Apera is awesome but I hate calibrating it every day. The Blue Lab I calibrate weekly and its rarely even off, if it is it's off by 0.1.
Just purchased an Apera 5-in-1 with solution kit on account of this thread. Tired of my cheapo Chinese pen having huge pH swings even as I'm calibrating it... Grr

Literally last week I had one solution of 4 pH solution perfectly measured and at the perfect temp and the 7 pH solution. Of course the pen needed calibrated... but once dialed in to the 4 pH the 7 pH would be about 0.7 pH off WTF?? Grrr

+Rep for @Renfro and @mnmobbin Thanks guys!
Thats not good. Is it possible you accidentally gave it the 4 solution when it was looking for 7?
Thats not good. Is it possible you accidentally gave it the 4 solution when it was looking for 7?

Nah... it's just one of those cheapo chinese pens. It was like a $7 pen. I'm pretty sure the watch batteries cost more than the entire cost of the pen. Decided to go Apera 5-in-1 on account of you and @mnmobbin