Ph of water

Hey guys!

I somewhere read That the best ph for soil is about 6.5.

What about the water itself. My tap water is around 8, rain about 7 and botteled water somewhere 3 or 4. Does it even matter at all or should i go buy water:confused:

Thanks in advance

Have a good one:joint:


Well-Known Member
use the rain water then, and yes it does matter. you measure the runoff. bottled water with a ph of 3 ? something wrong there.


Well-Known Member
Yes you need to get some type of testing going wether its just like pool ph test strips or whatever. Soil ph I think is best at 6.2 and you dont want the ph to fluctuate much either. To adjust ph you can use baking soda for ph up and you can use white vinegar to ph down. About 1 tsp of Baking Soda and 1 cap full of vinegar will be good to start with.
just tried the google and I tried vinegar and lemon juice wiche pretty much made the water go around 4 (got some testing kit).

Oddly enough my soil is just around 6.5
does this mean i can chill?:joint:


Well-Known Member
my mineral water i use is 6.9 never herd of bottled water at ph of 3

if your using Organic nutes then i would avoid using chemical ph up and ph down just my opinion :leaf:


Well-Known Member
my mineral water i use is 6.9 never herd of bottled water at ph of 3

if your using Organic nutes then i would avoid using chemical ph up and ph down just my opinion :leaf:
thats because a PH of 3 would be an acid

stomach acid (HCl is like 1.6 to 2)


Active Member
naw im not from Puerto Rico, my Evian Natural mineral water i bought the other day from ASDA reads 6.9
Oh I ask because of your avatar picture.the Puerto rico flag is in all of the leaf of ur avatar.By the way I am from Puerto Rico thats why I ask...Boricua de pura sepa ya tu sabes representando aquii!