Ph of water out of the tap

right also i am 100% legal so i'm not really worried about raising suspicion i just wanted to know if i should be worried my ph pen is not working correctly

You calibrate your instrument to the standard and then want to immediately test the ph of tap water. Or something. Isn't that what it's supposed to do? Why would you suspect the tap water results if the cal. looked ok? Assuming temps are correct, or whatever.
Just curious. I've been toying with the idea of getting something, but I'd rather have nothing than data I couldn't trust. Curse you hydrogen!
You calibrate your instrument to the standard and then want to immediately test the ph of tap water. Or something. Isn't that what it's supposed to do? Why would you suspect the tap water results if the cal. looked ok? Assuming temps are correct, or whatever.
Just curious. I've been toying with the idea of getting something, but I'd rather have nothing than data I couldn't trust. Curse you hydrogen!

you are 100% correct, i've just never seen the water out of my feed barrel be so low i was only curious if something like this was plausible, i know it sounds like being over cautious but i think maybe i jumped the gun a bit quick on this 1, as far as getting a ph meter i would recommend this 1 i've never had an issue with it over the 1 year i've had it but like i said i think i was just being overcautious on this 1
Some guy told me the water plant add certain things to their water when the season change to keep it stabilized. IDK if its true or not but he does not grow hydro during the wintery months because of that. It sounded like a croc of shit, but who knows. He might just be yanking my balls since in only 12 years old and growing some fine ass dank!!
Some guy told me the water plant add certain things to their water when the season change to keep it stabilized. IDK if its true or not but he does not grow hydro during the wintery months because of that. It sounded like a croc of shit, but who knows. He might just be yanking my balls since in only 12 years old and growing some fine ass dank!!
SIKE!!!! LMFAO!!! I'm high.
Quit worrrying about the accuracy of your meter buy some ph strips or liquid ph tester and adjust your tap water accordingly.