Ph meter and Hygrometer


Active Member
I was wondering where I could purchase a Ph meter and something to gauge the humidity...would Walmart ,Home depot have that??


Active Member
Nobody responds to you because that is a stupid question. Anyone with the internet (which you obviously have) could figure out where to get these things and how much they are. So there you go.


Active Member
Nobody responds to you because that is a stupid question. Anyone with the internet (which you obviously have) could figure out where to get these things and how much they are. So there you go.
I have the internet,I log in to ROLL IT UP,and now I'm trying to find out where I can purchase one....the whole point of asking this is to find out from someone who obviously do shut the fuk up.This site is where I found out about the pocket microscope so I guess who ever asked that one was stupid too?


Well-Known Member
dude, almost everyone on here thinks they are the reincarnation of martha stewart. just cruze thru some of the other things on this site and you will answer a lot of your questions with a little time and patience. Don't take anything anyone says here as gospel, just read up on what you need to know and pick out whats best for you. Happy growing

P.S. I think walmart has them. but like a guy told me, a little water and lite these things grow like weeds, everything else is gravy.


Well-Known Member
Nobody responds to you because that is a stupid question. Anyone with the internet (which you obviously have) could figure out where to get these things and how much they are. So there you go.
Relax fucker, last time I checked this was the newbie section. Don't be a dick to people that want to learn this stuff since you probably asked that same question at some point.

Check ebay also, they have good PH testers. Also, look in your yellow pages for a local hydroponics or garden stores. They carry all the stuff you need.

Check this site out, you can find everything you need and they have a great track record plus three actual brick and mortar stores that might be in your area.


Active Member
Just make sure you get a meter from a reputable company. I picked up a cheapo pH meter from my local hydro store for $7.99. The needle never even moved. No matter what I put it in, it registered 7.0. I even stuck it straight into a lemon, and it still registered 7.0! I guess you can say I was holding 2 lemons.....