Ph lockout?

I will do that when the lights comw on at 7pm. Wont before then.
You will need to turn the lights off after they come on though, because with the lights on we won't be able to see the plants properly to diagnose the issue, you can turn them back on straight afterwards though, in nature sometimes you have a cloud come over and it goes dark for a while so don't worry about it :blsmoke:
You will need to turn the lights off after they come on though, because with the lights on we won't be able to see the plants properly to diagnose the issue, you can turn them back on straight afterwards though :blsmoke:
For sure, im gonna try and use ymy flood light to overwelm the yello for pics lol i HATE truning off the lights lol it takes a good 45 mins for the lights to reset and come back on lol but ill do what must be done hahahaha
You should be taking pics at night every 3 days or so,you cant tell if there's problems with HPS light.
You'll catch things sooner this way. Good luck.
Just take a pic 2 minutes before light comes on.
I take them daily. Changes can come quick.
Snapping a couple quick pics at lights off, isn't going to do anything. The light is intense enough, but it's not enough exposure to stress it. As long as your not trying to do a full on, photo shoot.

Ph meters are for hydro. Who ph's the water for mother nature? Plenty of of grass, trees, bushes, WEEDS (lol), growing outside without anybody ph'ing anything.