Ph levels :s


my plant leaves are yellowing for no reason!some people told me that was ph problem,can you tell me if my ph is to alkaline or to acidic?:-(:leaf:


New Member
Need a picture buddy.

Yellowing in general usually means it needs food. What other symptoms?

Yellowing means loss of N(nitrogen) and you'd have to be way off in pH for N to be affected being it can be used in soil between 5.5-9 pH. So most likely if you have pH issues causing N def you are way low in pH.

But I'm sure it's something else.

Picture tells a thousand words.


Well-Known Member
Wanna tell how old the plant is? Maybe even tell if it's a soil grow?
Any details you provide will definitely lead to a faster more accurate answer. :)


it is 3 months,soil growing(composted cow maneur ) and do you know anyway to get organic homemade nitrogen source?