PH issues


Well-Known Member
You know something is dead wrong when you start calibrating your PH meter and the back up reads 4.0 and the new one reads 6.5

So I try calibrating the new one turns out it does not like the solution so I need to get a different one. So I use my backup meter and calibrate it. Check PH in ALL of my reservoirs and come to find out I have been missing the mark by 1.8! I read 4.0 on all my reservoirs and quickly added PH up I had a feeling that this is what was going on. The reasoning for the leaves yellowing prematurely on one of my grows and some slow down in growth. I am kicking myself in the arse for not getting the solution earlier but you live & learn.

How do the plants respond from improper PH do they ever really recover? I have it now set at 5.8 which is ideal for DWC. I have lost a good amount of leaves on a plant that is finishing 4 days left of nutrients, 10 days of flushing I am having concerns she will even make it.

I also have a Jock Horror which has another 6 weeks and has started to show yellow fan leaves like what we see late in flower that is the one I am most concerned about because she has a lot more time left.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
The leaf damage isn't going to recover before harvest, but the plant as a whole can. The problem you encounter fixing a problem at the end of flowering is causing fresh bud growth to appear. The plant is having a hard time growing and when you fix the problem, it shoots up with new growth. This new growth may not have time to mature, since it happened at the end of flowering.

The wrong Ph can lock out nutrients, making them unusable to the plant and causing the leaf damage. So, when you fix the Ph, the plants will be coming out of a deficiency and will need nutrients. If you flush too soon after fixing the Ph, the plants may not have enough stored food to make it through to harvest. When plants run out of nutrient stores before harvest, they can stall out and stop all ripening until they get some food. You might consider not flushing this time or at least putting it off a bit.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Since you're in DWC you should see the effects of the change quickly. What is dead and damaged will remain that way. Just keep the rest of the plant happy, no more new damage, and she'll pull through. Won't be as great as it would have been without this little hiccup but I think you have enough time to make it up.

My back up meter is on the fritz, probably low battery, and my brand new Hanna pH probe stopped working for me in less than 3 weeks from purchase. They have a new probe on the way but I've been basically estimating by using calibration solution to figure out how deviant my readings are. In coco I get a little leeway, all I really need to do is hit the 5.6 to 6.0 range, but still, total pain in the ass.

Hope it works out for you.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the responses. I am not so much concerned with the AK48 because it is a good yielder but just taste like complete arse I have heard this from several other people and 3 weeks into cure the taste is not there. Great strain for vaporizer or cooking with it.

The Jock Horror is the one I a worried about she is still moving forward so looks like she will recover I almost killed my young seedlings running them at 4.0 no wonder they have had a tough time rooting, since correcting the problem the ladies look a little perkier :D


Well-Known Member
You know something is dead wrong when you start calibrating your PH meter and the back up reads 4.0 and the new one reads 6.5

So I try calibrating the new one turns out it does not like the solution so I need to get a different one. So I use my backup meter and calibrate it. Check PH in ALL of my reservoirs and come to find out I have been missing the mark by 1.8! I read 4.0 on all my reservoirs and quickly added PH up I had a feeling that this is what was going on. The reasoning for the leaves yellowing prematurely on one of my grows and some slow down in growth. I am kicking myself in the arse for not getting the solution earlier but you live & learn.

How do the plants respond from improper PH do they ever really recover? I have it now set at 5.8 which is ideal for DWC. I have lost a good amount of leaves on a plant that is finishing 4 days left of nutrients, 10 days of flushing I am having concerns she will even make it.

I also have a Jock Horror which has another 6 weeks and has started to show yellow fan leaves like what we see late in flower that is the one I am most concerned about because she has a lot more time left.
you would have had nutrient issues at ph 4. Yes plants come back when u correct ph to 6 after about a week. no need to flush as u had ph issue ,not nute burn.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Buds, appreciate the help. Do you think I should run straight nutrients until harvest, I typically like the flush for 2-3 days minimum but to be honest this is not the best tasting strain and I may just use it when cooking so you think I should run nutrients until harvest time based on trichs