ph fluxuation do I flush?


Active Member
If my plants that are growing in soil are suffering from ph fluxuation what do I do to correct this? Do I need to flush the plant with the correct PH water or do I just water it with slightly lower PH water to try and balance it out? Ive been searching but havnt found what to do when your plants suffer from it


Well-Known Member
I've been having problems with my ph also's fucking everything up for me .. I've flushed twice and still haven't gotten the problem fixed. But my suggestion is...if your having ph issues .... flush now .. dont listen to any other advice than to flush
If your ph is that unstable .. a good ph balanced flush should bring it to normal ..
do it as soon as possible


Well-Known Member
well its not that easy to fix a ph prob in soil. What soil are you using and what would make you think your ph is fucked?


Well-Known Member
The only "easy" way to fix a ph prob in soil is to repot.
Adding lime (dolomitic lime is probably best) to the soil will help to buffer the ph to the correct value. but you have to add it to the soil and not just the water........adding to the water can help over a period of time but it would be quicker to repot into good soil.


Active Member
The only "easy" way to fix a ph prob in soil is to repot.
Adding lime (dolomitic lime is probably best) to the soil will help to buffer the ph to the correct value. but you have to add it to the soil and not just the water........adding to the water can help over a period of time but it would be quicker to repot into good soil.
Here are some photos of one of my plants. I put the PH tester in and it reads 8. Funny thing is I use RO water Fox farm soil and General hydroponics neuts which are supposed to be PH neutral. I also use great white beneficial bacteria. Im not sure what causing the fluctuation everything I use should be neutral.



Active Member
also the problem only effects one strain. I have sour Diesel and Grand Daddy Purple the GDP is the only one effected.


Well-Known Member
Here are some photos of one of my plants. I put the PH tester in and it reads 8. Funny thing is I use RO water Fox farm soil and General hydroponics neuts which are supposed to be PH neutral. I also use great white beneficial bacteria. Im not sure what causing the fluctuation everything I use should be neutral.
Your ph looks fine appears to be a moisture or nute ratio issue. (looks overfed but thats not easy to tell with a pic)
I completely agree with Wet , those ph meters dont work at all.
Which GH nutes and how much/often?


Well-Known Member
The only "easy" way to fix a ph prob in soil is to repot.
Adding lime (dolomitic lime is probably best) to the soil will help to buffer the ph to the correct value. but you have to add it to the soil and not just the water........adding to the water can help over a period of time but it would be quicker to repot into good soil.
BINGO!!! The million dollar answer!!

Great advice bro. :hump:


Well-Known Member
BINGO!!! The million dollar answer!!

Great advice bro. :hump:
I agree and Love the pro mix for the added lime and nice mix of everything. The bigger problem you may be causing yourself and another reason why the repot is better than the flush is you are normally only going to compact the fuck out of your soil after more than one flush so it stays wet as shit and takes waaaay longer to dry out and will allow your PH to be a problem.

YAY to the repot!! speaking of pot cant we all just get a bong?


Active Member
I'm using general hydroponics 2 part neuts I also mix in great white beneficial bacteria and use RO water. I feed every other watering. This is the first time I've seen this problem and also my first time using RO water I've been doing some research and found that some people have problems with the GH 2 part and switch to using the Lucas formula also someone said RO filters out some needed minerals that are in water so I should use cal-mag to combat that. I just flushed the plants last night do I need to wait and let the soil dry out a bit before going them any neuts or can I give them some today? If they are lacking some neuts I'd hate to have them suffer longer than thy have to.

trichlone fiend

New Member solve all of your problems, start using organic fertilizers in your soil. Chemicals in soil are a bad idea due to soil being such a great buffer for the salts. Look into organic teas for best results in soil, IMO.

trichlone fiend

New Member
...I also use the Lucas Formula in an ebb and flow set up, and yes, RO water does create cal./mag. dif. Simply use tap, or add tap to your water.


Active Member
Also 4 of the plants that have a problem are 5 weeks into flowering I've also read that you shouldn't repot them when they are that far along


Well-Known Member
I dont wanna tell you to repot that late into bloom. Is this your first time with promix? If they do not respond to the flush or get worse then i would hit one real hard with nutes, its so hard to tell with those pics. RO is lacking some beneficial micro's but your 2 part should have cal and mag in it. If not then yes add some , or add some tap in.

scratch the promix question....