Ph during watering


Active Member
When I feed and add nutes to water I always ph the water around 6.3-6.7. When I am just watering I usually add some cal/mg+ and maybe hygroziem but do I need to ph during just a water cycle?? I usually just ph my water the same as when I am feeding.
You should always ph ur water dude, always after adding nutes. I usually add mine, shake it, check ph, let it sit for 30 minutes or so, give it another shake and check ph again. Works for me.


Active Member
I meant even when your watering with plain water,should I PH plain water?? My tap water ph is 7.8 and was wondering if I needed to ph it down to the 6's.


Active Member
When I feed and add nutes to water I always ph the water around 6.3-6.7. When I am just watering I usually add some cal/mg+ and maybe hygroziem but do I need to ph during just a water cycle?? I usually just ph my water the same as when I am feeding.
I use organics and my well water ph is also 7.8. I never adjust ph when feeding or watering. Let the soil do the work.



Active Member
haha so half of you say ph and the others say dont ph to let the soil buffer the ph.. what to do what to do


Active Member
If your soil is good and it's ph is where it should be I wouldn't worry. They say no matter what you put in it for water ph, the soil will adjust it within the hour. Do an advanced search that may help.