Ph dropping fast


Active Member
My ph is dropping fast, it went from 5.5-4.9 overnight. This started maybe 4 days ago, they are in week 2 of flower... my ph was rising slowly before this started.

I'm running 6 recirculating dwc buckets (rockwool/hydroton,) 20 gallons in the system. The ppms were at 1,000, now they're at about 1350 because I read somewhere that it could be a lack of nutes. That doesn't seem to be helping though... as far as I can tell the roots look healthy, I will triple-check them again tomorrow.

air temp is around 75 day, 60 night, water temp is 68. GH lucas formula nutes, nothing else. Tap water 190ppm/7.2 ph out of the tap. I plan on flushing tomorrow for a day and refilling.

Possible causes I've gathered from research:

root rot - the plants look healthy (except 2/6 are stunted as all hell, and I can barely see the roots at the bottom-- could there be root rot inside the buckets I can't see that's causing this?

nutes too low - Like I said I've increased the nutes, so I will know tomorrow for sure whether or not this is helping.


If anyone needs any extra info to help please let me know, they are still looking good but I'm scared for them and I need to get this stable so I don't have to use a whole bottle of ph up every week... I will post pics tomorrow, as the lights are off for tonight.



Active Member
I dunno but you can buy some cheap lawnlime pelletized lime, or something similar, and sprinkle it over the medium. It worked for me when my pH was running down below 6.