No, I don't think there's 264 ppm SiO2 at 1ml/gal ArmorSi
1000mg / 3.785 = 264.2 ppm * 10%(SiO2) = 26.4 ppm SiO2
I did neglect to account for specific gravity previously since Armour Si is a liquid (1.05kg/946ml)
26.4 * 1.1 = 29 ppm Si02
The general formula is: Labeled % * 264.2 * sg (if applicable) * grams
Apologies, I did not read your original statement correctly and made assumptions, forgetting to take into account the fact that the Armor Si™ is in fact only 10% SiO₂ and that the 264 ppm value refers to the 1ml of Armor Si™ and not SiO₂ or Si.
To finish though, using an online molar mass calculator, we can see that 10% SiO₂ equates to 4.675% Si. Therefore, 1ml Armor Si / gal gives 12.35ppm Si. Elemental Si and not SiO₂, which is a compound.
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