Ph down and phosphorus levels


I made a post a few months back asking for help with a plant issue i have been plagued with for years. I received many helpful suggestions from users and adapted my grow to those suggestions. However my issue doesn't seem to be resolved. Basic info: coco, autowatered 4x daily, drain to waste, cocofocannabis GH nute schedule, 350w draw LED, 2x4 space, temperature and humidity control. Without getting too far into it, I have a basic question:

I am using approximately 5ml/gallon PH Down in order to get down to 6.0 from base. This is apparently 5-10x what most people use for the same adjustment. It occurred to me today that PH down is made from phosphoric acid. Is it possible that I am adding enough ph down that I could my plants could be experiencing toxicity? The issues certainly appear similar to what I see online when searching for phosphorus toxicity. I suppose a follow-up question would be:

Using GH flora it seems that the only way to meaningfully reduce P levels is to reduce the amount of "micro". Is this a problem? Are there other things in the micro that I would be missing if I reduce the levels drastically?

I have just tested to see if the ph down is actually raising my tds readings. It is raising the solution by nearly 80ppm! I am mostly just curious if this is something that others have dealt with. is anyone out there using this much ph down? do you have to reduce the P in your setup?

I think it is worth mentioning that I just picked up a cheapy RO system and plan to start using it. I imagine that is going to reduce my ph down requirements dramatically, and if my problem is magically solved i will have my answer.

EDIT: tested TDS affect from addition of ph down only.
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