Ph Crashing Overnight

Also, no algae or anything that I can see. The only possible light leak is from the blue water level tube on the side of the bucket.
I run my fingers along my airlines to see if they feel slimey. Your temps are on point. Roots look good. I have that same blue tube and it's a source of algae in mine. I don't use my chiller but I use hydroguard as a preventative. My temps have gotten into the low 70s and I've seen algae in my indicator tube but the hg seems to keep everything under control.
I run my fingers along my airlines to see if they feel slimey. Your temps are on point. Roots look good. I have that same blue tube and it's a source of algae in mine. I don't use my chiller but I use hydroguard as a preventative. My temps have gotten into the low 70s and I've seen algae in my indicator tube but the hg seems to keep everything under control.
I mean my airlines are slightly slimy but nothing thick or nasty. Just a slick feeling you know ?
So I did a res change last night. I did 1 teaspoon of micro, 2 teaspoons of bloom and 1/4 teaspoon of Cali-magic per gallon and I filled the bucket with two gallons. I haven’t run any cal-mag supplements this entire grow as I use well water with a EC of .1 but I figured a 1/4 TSP of Cali-magic couldn’t hurt. Anyways, the EC was around 1.6 and the ph was around 5.9 immediately after the res change. I checked the water again this morning (approximately 14 hours later) and the EC was down to 1.29 and the ph was up to 6.4 and the water was down on the bucket about 3/4 of a inch. Obviously the plant is hungry right? Considering my leaves are a darker colored green and and it looks like it may have had some nute burn, should I try and top it off with stronger nutes or should I just top it off with fresh water until the ph wants to crash again ?
So I did a res change last night. I did 1 teaspoon of micro, 2 teaspoons of bloom and 1/4 teaspoon of Cali-magic per gallon and I filled the bucket with two gallons. I haven’t run any cal-mag supplements this entire grow as I use well water with a EC of .1 but I figured a 1/4 TSP of Cali-magic couldn’t hurt. Anyways, the EC was around 1.6 and the ph was around 5.9 immediately after the res change. I checked the water again this morning (approximately 14 hours later) and the EC was down to 1.29 and the ph was up to 6.4 and the water was down on the bucket about 3/4 of a inch. Obviously the plant is hungry right? Considering my leaves are a darker colored green and and it looks like it may have had some nute burn, should I try and top it off with stronger nutes or should I just top it off with fresh water until the ph wants to crash again ?
Well, in my case, I tried the top off with nutes, and my plant didn't like it. I went to just fresh water top off. You can try it and see how your plant responds, but remember as your plant is taking up and using the nutes, the ph buffers are also getting lower in concentration. In a small res it makes a noticeable difference pretty quick.
Well, in my case, I tried the top off with nutes, and my plant didn't like it. I went to just fresh water top off. You can try it and see how your plant responds, but remember as your plant is taking up and using the nutes, the ph buffers are also getting lower in concentration. In a small res it makes a noticeable difference pretty quick.
Okay. I mixed up another gallon of nutes slightly stronger that I’ll use to top off. I did 1 TSP Micro, 2 1/4 TSP Bloom and 1/4 TSP Cali-magic. I’ll top off my res with this and see what happens.
Okay. I mixed up another gallon of nutes slightly stronger that I’ll use to top off. I did 1 TSP Micro, 2 1/4 TSP Bloom and 1/4 TSP Cali-magic. I’ll top off my res with this and see what happens.
it seems like you are running the Lucas formula? have you tried not using the cal/mg? or are you using it because you had a Ca or Mg deficiency? the extra N is probably causing your dark green leaves. unless it is dark green from your strain.
This is what my leaves are looking like btw. Looks like nute burn right? Leaves are darker green and tips are droopy. Another thing I just thought of and I’m not sure if it can be related but I was using a mars hydro reflector 480W and I noticed the bloom switch wasn’t working and that all my bloom LEDS were burnt up! I honestly think I have been running on only the veg lights for the entire grow and possibly previous grows before that and I just never realized that the bloom LEDS weren’t working. I just installed a mars hydro TS1000 two days ago.View attachment 4735223
it seems like you are running the Lucas formula? have you tried not using the cal/mg? or are you using it because you had a Ca or Mg deficiency? the extra N is probably causing your dark green leaves. unless it is dark green from your strain.
Yeah, sorta. I’ve been using a little more of the bloom though because I’ve been thinking it was a K deficiency. I haven’t been using the cal-mag at all throughout the grow. I just decided to try a little bit this res change to see if it helps stabilize it at all and figured it couldn’t hurt. No noticeable cal/mag deficiency’s though. I’m starting to think that based on how much the EC drops and the ph is rises directly after a res change, maybe I’m just underfeeding the plant overall which is causing a K deficiency ? I mean if I’m setting the Ec at 1.6 and it drops to 1.2-1.3 in a day, she has to be hungry right? What I am noticing is that after the Ec drops and the PH rises to 6.4 or so after a a day or so, the Ec will start to stabilize and the ph will start dropping and it just basically starts going the opposite direction. The ph drops faster and the Ec starts rising. Is it possible that the EC gets so low that the plant will start leaching nutrients back into the water? I know I have read somewhere about this before but I’m not sure if it’s even possible or not. The yellowing before the burning on the edges along with the dark green has me thinking maybe it is a K issue? 15F4377A-AE5F-42FF-944B-5A617E090C1C.jpeg
Yeah, sorta. I’ve been using a little more of the bloom though because I’ve been thinking it was a K deficiency. I haven’t been using the cal-mag at all throughout the grow. I just decided to try a little bit this res change to see if it helps stabilize it at all and figured it couldn’t hurt. No noticeable cal/mag deficiency’s though. I’m starting to think that based on how much the EC drops and the ph is rises directly after a res change, maybe I’m just underfeeding the plant overall which is causing a K deficiency ? I mean if I’m setting the Ec at 1.6 and it drops to 1.2-1.3 in a day, she has to be hungry right? What I am noticing is that after the Ec drops and the PH rises to 6.4 or so after a a day or so, the Ec will start to stabilize and the ph will start dropping and it just basically starts going the opposite direction. The ph drops faster and the Ec starts rising. Is it possible that the EC gets so low that the plant will start leaching nutrients back into the water? I know I have read somewhere about this before but I’m not sure if it’s even possible or not.
Just do a res change every other day. In that small of a container it's really not that difficult. It should stay stable for a couple days with the Lucas formula. At least in my experience.
Ph crashes are indication of root rot iv encountered it 4 times.....every time 5ml of 34-35% h2o2 per gal of Rez water fixed the issue in a matter of days
Ph crashes are indication of root rot iv encountered it 4 times.....every time 5ml of 34-35% h2o2 per gal of Rez water fixed the issue in a matter of days
I agree. Always start with the roots. The one picture the OP posted looked pretty good to me. Not saying it's definitive. Could be some rot hiding in there. I'd try hydroguard, if it was me, just in case.
I agree. Always start with the roots. The one picture the OP posted looked pretty good to me. Not saying it's definitive. Could be some rot hiding in there. I'd try hydroguard, if it was me, just in case.
Hydroguard doesn't work for everybody but it did work for me.
I agree. Always start with the roots. The one picture the OP posted looked pretty good to me. Not saying it's definitive. Could be some rot hiding in there. I'd try hydroguard, if it was me, just in case.
Yeah, I think it might be worth a shot. I need to grab some more boom nutes and I wanted to try some Florakleen as well at the end so I’ll pick up some hydro guard with it.