Ph buffers


Well-Known Member
they are for calibrating your ph pen..

say if u buy a ph7 buffer. dip the ph pen in it, if it says ph7 then its sweet,,
if it says ph 6.78 or anything other than 7 then the ph pen needs calibrating so that it reads ph7 same as the buffer,,

basicly ur ph tester should be matched with the buffer,,,

hope i helped


Well-Known Member
he asked what a ph buffer does so i told him,,, i asume he means ph buffering solutions for calibrating ph pens,,

he didnt mention anything about ph buffering soils or anything but hey, i dunno man


Well-Known Member
Ph calibration solution is often referred to as ph "buffer". But a PH buffer is also something that can affect a change in the PH of a particular solution. Its a bit vague to simply ask what a PH buffer is or what a PH buffer does. The link I posted contains an excellent lesson on Ph and soil chemistry. I found it very helpful and informative. Knowing about PH is VERY important to a successful MJ grower.


Well-Known Member
do u not think people worry too much about ph?,, i mean yes its important but my feeds go in at ph 6.8 but thats just my tap water + nutes =ph6.8,, and thats it thats all,, my mate uses mg soil and waters with ph 7.8 strait from the tap and never had a problem,,

as far as im concernd unless u put something stupid in your medium then ph will be sweet, the plant can get all nutes in a ph range of 5.5 to about 8 and if ur soil gets out of that range then the grower has done something stupid to get it that way

ive even grown pukka bud from ph 5.8 soil

obviously hydro is totally different but i dont give a crap about hydro as i preffer organic soil grown bud but thats just me