Ph advice needed

Yes. Your plants look pretty much healthy now, why are you obsessed with testing RO pH if there isn't an issue?


I read few guides that recommend to check RO PH regularly, I want to prevent issues before they arrived.. I have no experience, so I read, not always its going by the book...
I guess its the over caring of beginners.. :)

The fact is that its going down more and more.
So should I feed them less?

Now I am afraid of nutes burn...
When started I didn't know the soil has slow release nutes little balls in it.
Only after I got another bag, the balls was blue so I notice them, then I got back to the gardening store and he told me that all the soil bags has them, only I notice this time cause its in blue...most of the time they are yellow.
The thing is I don't know exactly how much its feeding in this short time.

Any advice how to be careful with the feeding?

I am using bio nova soil mix and Advanced Nutrients Sensi Cal-Mag, very carefully.
And during flowering I got advanced nuteirents big bud I wanted to use, but now I am afraid ... I know its a strong nute and heard some ppl burned their plants using it...

Thanks for the help, much appreciated :)
Honestly I think you are just over stressing over things that you don't need to worry about. If it ain't broken don't fix it.

When you share photos try taking them with the lights off and your camera flash on. Plants tend to look a lot different in natural light. It was hard to tell but it looked like you had a little yellowing between the leaf veins. Not sure of how much CalMag you gave them but they might need more. EDIT: Just saw you said earlier that it was 1 ml / liter of water, so half the recommended dosage.

I don't know your nutrients at all but the plants don't seem to show any type of nutrient burn so whatever they are getting from the soil and the nutes it doesn't appear to be too much.
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That is exactly what I did and still getting RO water with very low PH.
Only after that I tried to fix it, with one time watering.

Can you point to the answer that you are talking about?
Cause they where few opinions, not only @spek9...

@DoubleAtotheRON for example
And also this excellent guide

BTW I did exactly what he said since this post started (almost 3 weeks), gave 6.5+- ph water (tap with cal mag + nutes)
That didn't improve the RO water as you can read, after few weeks like that.
Not sure what I missed here, will be nice to understand, this is only my second grow after all.

Plants are healthy and beautiful and get feed every second watering, half the recommended dosage.

View attachment 4564595

So the advice is to ignore RO low PH?
Not sure that was the advice after all... really I don't know what to do.

So whats the bottom line guys?
Ignore the low PH even if its gets down more and more?

I am feeding very carefully and there is no sign of nute burn.
1 ML calmag per litter
2 ML nova soil mix every second watering

Soil probably with some minor slow release nutes (little round yellow balls), its soil for house gardening.
Should I feed less?
Or should I flash?

Post #4.

Your plants are looking great. You're over loving :)

There's a lot of factors in the soil that will make the PH different from your input. Soil buffers and root exudates, to name a couple, will both have an effect on the Ph of runoff. If your inputs are in the right range and your plant looks healthy keep on keepin on.
I guess your are right, I am stressed :)
I lost confidence when I found out that I have nutes in the soil.. now I don't know how much to add...

Today the tops look very curly compare to yesterday, I guess its after the feeding, yesterday they look better (my previous photo)
Here are some photos with flash only.

Thanks guys

There's some nutrient tip burn but nothing too major. As the plants get bigger they'll eat more. I wouldn't be super concerned about it as it is right now, if it starts getting worse then yeah take corrective action. Hit it with some plain PH'ed water.

You'll mess with nutrient uptake by constantly throwing your PH around, this could be the cause of your issues. Personally I'd feed what you've been feeding, maybe a little less, at the correct PH and wait and see if it corrects itself.

Just make sure you have enough run off to get your last feed out of the soil and you'll be fine. Are you feeding every water?

I never used to PH soil, i'd feed straight R/O. Soil if buffered properly is pretty forgiving as far as Ph. I'd assume that your soil is heavily buffered if it has time release nutrients in it.


Edit: When I say I never Ph'ed soil I had a water only organic mix that didn't "need" to be Ph'ed due to buffers.
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In soil when you think you have too many nutrients just use Ph water only for a couple times.
Will do that

Just make sure you have enough run off to get your last feed out of the soil and you'll be fine. Are you feeding every water?

I never used to PH soil, i'd feed straight R/O. Soil if buffered properly is pretty forgiving as far as Ph. I'd assume that your soil is heavily buffered if it has time release nutrients in it.

Edit: When I say I never Ph'ed soil I had a water only organic mix that didn't "need" to be Ph'ed due to buffers.

Every second watering, calmag every time but 1ML -1.5ML

BTW I have also reverse osmosis water at home, is it better than tap water (consider both ph'ed to 6.5 and with calmag)?

See how much different they look under natural light! Look a very healthy green color. The leaves can tend to curl up like that due to heat stress, but your temp and RH looks pretty good! I wouldn't worry about it. What are you using for a light and how close is it?

Yes that was a great advice, the photos with flash is better and accurate, greens are stronger than reality but not too much.
The light is 150w quantum board, 17 inch +- above the plants.
The WW and the GSC are growing like crazy, I am flipping tonight or they will explode the tent... :weed:

Will do that

Every second watering, calmag every time but 1ML -1.5ML

BTW I have also reverse osmosis water at home, is it better than tap water (consider both ph'ed to 6.5 and with calmag)?

Yes that was a great advice, the photos with flash is better and accurate, greens are stronger than reality but not too much.
The light is 150w quantum board, 17 inch +- above the plants.
The WW and the GSC are growing like crazy, I am flipping tonight or they will explode the tent... :weed:

View attachment 4565702
Oh yeah those are ready! Nice job.
Flipped 2 days ago, wow I think the WW and the GSC stretched in 5 cm or more, wow, how much more should I expect? :)

Light is 30 cm now from the plant, I have 25 cm more room raise it, that's all.

Plants are 2 days into flip, around 70 cm height (plant only - not pot). with pot total is 100 cm +-
Pot size 11L
Plants 59days old total.
Tent is 160 cm height.

Should I scrog them in the scrog net or leave them to go straight like this?

* Can they double stretch, so I better expect a 130 -140 cm WW & GSC??? I hope the pot limit of 11L will reduce the growth a bit at the end...
Both from Nirvana seeds BTW

* I found a very nice post comment on streaching

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Thanks, I calced that I have space for only 25-30 cm more to grow so I scrogged them all over the net specially in the middle, its OK I guess, better than heat burn or topping now.
I was amazed from the last few days stretch, around 10 cm in less than a week.
