PH Adjustments

Rainbow Warrior

Well-Known Member
Hi there, so far I’ve been using ordinary water (my water supply is from a borehole, so no nasty chemicals), but I decided to adjust the PH, as my water is slightly acidic.

What’s the best organic option to bring the PH up or down?



Well-Known Member
Hi there, so far I’ve been using ordinary water (my water supply is from a borehole, so no nasty chemicals), but I decided to adjust the PH, as my water is slightly acidic.

What’s the best organic option to bring the PH up or down?

if it's slightly acidic... why do you feel the need to adjust the pH? that should be fine. Earth Juice has pH up and down products in a crystalline (dry) form that do not have as big of an impact on the soil/microbe/plant relationships.


Well-Known Member
Good news Then!
Thanks for the advice; I’ll stick with my borehole water then,

Have a good one!

one thing i would advise you to do though, since you're running well water is to check the TDS of your water. I've been running well water at a friends grow with organic soil, and man, these plants do not like it. We didn't see any problems at first, but soon the minerals in the water started building up in the soil and locking out nutrients. Its high pH, and I'm guessing high TDS. It has no smell, is very clear, and tastes great... but highly mineralized. even adjusting the pH doesn't matter (it's >8.0 out of the faucet) because of all the mineral content. causing nothing but problems with a bunch of plants. I'm having him order an RO filter unit.