Ph adjusting


New Member
Hi guys!

I have a question for more experienced growers. I'm watering my plants with tap water. Ph of tap water is 7.74. But i've read that if you put fertilizer in water pH drops a little. So in your experience (i grow in soil) is this pH too high or is it ok? My plants are growing a little slower (i can post pictures if needed) but apart from that everything seems ok.

Thanks for your answers

Illegal Wonder

Well-Known Member
I can't help with your ph questions as I am also quite new. However I can tell you opening a thread with more info and pictures gets you more help much quicker. You should list your nutes, feeding sched, and medium/ the pots size if you want proper help in this area. Good luck!


New Member
Ok, ok thank you! I have them on 3 days feeding schedule. First day fertilizer and stuff (i use hesi root complex and canna fertilizer for growing phase), second day plain water (or nothing sometimes it depends on how well is still the soil) and 3rd day nothing. I have them in 6l aero pots and soil is bought in a grow shop so it's clean. I can't post pictures of my big plants cause I've moved recently and I have only small plants here. So the question was more about seedlings. Because tap water was really good on my previous location pH around 6-6.5. And now I don't know if i should drop pH a little or is it ok as it is.


Well-Known Member
If I understand your post correctly you give them nutes and water in a 3 day period? I think this may be a little excessive but only you know how well your soil drains so I could be talking out my


New Member
Yeah i know it sounds a little excessive but soil drains really quickly. I've tried to give them only nutes once per week and water once per week but they've started to show some underwatering signs. I know for my next harvest I've bought much better soil. And thanks everyone for their help!


Well-Known Member
depends totally what kind of soil you have. Generally, soil is a wonderful mix to sustain certain ph level.
in chemistry, these are called buffer solution ;)


New Member
and i don't have those small plants on 3 days feeding schedule with fertilizer. I use plain water with small dose of root complex.


Active Member
So here's a picture of a 1 week old plant. It's OG Kush. So if you guys see anything that needs to be fixed please reply. Thank you.

id say it looks fine for now.. youre gonna want to transplant so i'd invest $20 on root organic soil and a 2-3 gal smart pot maybe..just make sure you dont use any miracle grow or commercial soil..
these usually have time release nutrients or moisture control which gives you less control over your plants nutrients


New Member
I can only imagine the uproar of what I am about to post but here it goes. I have always grown in soil.... I have never worried much about PH. I'm not saying that PH is not an important aspect of growing but for me it came down to too much micro managing and running myself nuts trying to control everything with my grows.... so I quit worrying about PH and so far I have no complaints with the quality of the product I grow.