pg-180 12/12 from seed

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
just got my pg-180 that i ordered. and im gonna be using that instead of my 125w cfl. decided to make a thread since no one here really has one with a pg-180 and most people also arnt doing 12/12 so we can see how it goes. i got 3 plant a cheese, a bagseed, and a good seed that i forgot to label...:wall: im in soil using some seed starter in the begining and then to FFOF. ask any questions you want. ill have some pics up when the lights come on later today.


Active Member
Sounds good, let's see what this unit can do. You may want to consider Adding that cfl, can't hurt. However it will be nice to see what this unit does on its own.

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
haha i was gonna use a cfl along with it but it would be somewhat of a hassle. my tent is only 3 feet tall so i gotta keep them short and the cfl will block out the led unless i put them at the same high which then the cfl would be about a foot or more away from the tops. and the led is seems very bright. i also feel as i can feel the uv rays. it feels as if i was getting sun tan or burn.

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
i guess i lied about it being 12/12 from seed. i started one today that will be 12/12 from seed. i have one cheese that is about one month old and than two unknown. one bag seed from some dank and the other is a seed i bought that i forgot to label. they have been on 12/12 since june 22. the are just starting to show pistils. the cheese has had them for about a week.

sorry i dont have a normal light just the led one. ill take some more when i water them ill take them out. but the first pic is of them all. the next is the dinafem cheese #1. then the unknown seed form attitude. and the bagseed is last. the new one that will be 12/12 from seed is waiting to sprout it will be g13 pineapple express
threw in some pics with some normal lights after i watered them. i am using general organics grow veg nutes and FF tiger bloom. i supplement with cal-mag everywater. might end up getting some general organics bloom nutes to be more organic



Well-Known Member
^^ great stuff....girls look healthy and your lst is well done.....subbed/good luck grower....


Well-Known Member
Sounds good, Nice stuff dank. Good luck with that panel. Ya know I'm subbed.

PS - Is that a big gulp cup I see in there? :-P

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
haha yeah there was a big gulp. i took one pic before transplant and one after. i tried to make a "homemade smart pot" saw someone else try it so thought i might as well. didnt work out to well. water comes out real easy but the roots were doing good

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
snapped some pics before the lights went off the cheese is looking nice. the others are also but they arnt putting out any new branches or pistils. might end up with one big'ol nug on each plant.

the bag seed

the unknown

the cheese


dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
thanks squarefodder! i wish i had some pollen so i could get some seeds from her. that would be nice. there getting bigger everyday.


Well-Known Member
even if you don't have pollen, if you want to keep the genetic, after harvesting you can reveg it, then clone it ( I hear some people getting hermi this way though ) but it's easy way to keep it going

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
no the cheese and other two arnt right now. my title is a little miss leading. i have one that just poped out yesterday that will be my 12/12 from seed and i will start another nest week. gonna try out a perpetual grow. just will have some problem since these three well two of them take up alot of space. it would be nice to reveg and than clone. but dont know if i will be able to with my limited space. i have another small cab i built but is "retired" i might bring it back to life if the bucket will even fit.

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
hey everyone the plants are doing good even tho half my electricity has been going out. has to move the tent to the other half of the house. pain in the ass. they have been fixed but some lights are still flickering so those now have to be fixed. The cheese is really getting big and pushing alot of pistils out. the unknown is doing alright aswell as the bagseed. they are both kind of out of the way. since i put the cheese is a 5 gallon bucket and didnt realize how big that is compared to my tent and it takes up most of the light area. i also have the 12/12 from seed pineapple express up. it popped up the other day.

i am also interested in adding some extra nutes for flowering i have general organic biothrive grow 4-3-3 and tiger bloom 2-8-4. is there anything that i could add that would help out my harvest?


dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
my meter box is broken and the electricity company took my meter. they say it will be out for weeks possibly. what the hell do i do now? this is horse shit

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
haha its gonna be a crazy ride. i know forsure that the lights will be off for atleast 2 days. hopefully its not longer i dont want some hermi buds


Well-Known Member
haha its gonna be a crazy ride. i know forsure that the lights will be off for atleast 2 days. hopefully its not longer i dont want some hermi buds
Oh man, That sucks. Why the hell would your electricity have to be off to fix a meter? Or is the problem larger than that?

How many plants are currently running and what are there light schedules? Does it pay for you to move the girls to a sunny room for two days?

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
Oh man, That sucks. Why the hell would your electricity have to be off to fix a meter? Or is the problem larger than that?

How many plants are currently running and what are there light schedules? Does it pay for you to move the girls to a sunny room for two days?
yeah i guess its complicated they need to order a new part or some bullshit and they wont put the meter back in untill it is fully fixed. they are on 12/12 and run at night. i decided to let them be off last night today i will hopefully find out the fix date today and will probably put them under a window for the rest of the day today. hopefully they dont start stretching for the sun. its suposse to be cloudy and raining anyways. i have 3 plants and one seedling. i believe they are all in the pictures.