He apparently lost a lot of arm strength at one point too, who knows if it's come back? I know if I'm a team I ain't investing that much in him unless I'm a coach on the hot seat.Manning is *crazy* for even wanting to play QB (or football) again. He now has 3 more operations on his neck than I do, and I have permanant nerve damage. What happens when they fuse the vertebrae in your neck is decreased rotation, decreased flexibility and increased risk of a broken neck in the future. Your neck is made up of vertebrae C1-C7 and they flex like a segmented flashlight wand. When you get them fused, the fused sections move as one big unit instead of a bunch of small ones. This puts alot of stress on the remaining un-fused vertebrae and you you are in a world of hurts if you get sacked...esp with that big helmet on. Mark my words...![]()
Favre took them to the NFC Championship game though. Signing veteran QB's isn't always a bad thing, and they aren't always "washed up". Certainly not in Peytons case.Given Minnesota's record of signing old washed up QB's I wouldn't be the least bit surprised...