Petition For An Aerogarden Sub-Forum


Well-Known Member
Whoever agrees that there should be a sub-forum in the Hydroponics/Aeroponics section, please post that you agree. I'm hoping that if enough of us say yay, then the staff will create a forum just for us, all about us! Thanks and tell everyone you know that uses an Aerogarden!
yeah, but that's not why i made this. i just noticed the influx of aerogarden posts in the past couple weeks. tell your friends! spread the word!
Definitely. All Aerogarbage threads should go to a very quiet place where those unconvinced of the simple facts that the overpriced thing is too small to grow cannabis plants and uses CFL lighting, a guaranteed recipe for disappointment, even as a cloner, can flood the board with all the stoopid they want.

You can build a cloning system for 1/10 the price of an Aerogarbage and an entire, proper grow room for the same price or less.

Call the new forum 'Aerogarden: go here and yap about the thing all you want, just stop bothering serious growers with it.'

There's two kinds of fools: The first believes 'just because it's old, it's good.' The other sort are those who think 'just because it's new, it's better.'
i agree i have a freind right down the road doin aerogarden
so imma tell him to make a RIU to help out!
Whoever agrees that there should be a sub-forum in the Hydroponics/Aeroponics section, please post that you agree. I'm hoping that if enough of us say yay, then the staff will create a forum just for us, all about us! Thanks and tell everyone you know that uses an Aerogarden!
Great idea...Please do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol how many times you gon say that AL? mine was free so it dosnt really bother me much, but most people who do buy the AG need its convenievce of "set and forget" we all kno the other possibilities, for some people this is a easy way to learn, its not like were not going to move on to better things. but how you gon come in here callin people fools just because they looked into the AG, your supposed to help people out and incourage them, NO matter what method they choose to grow, not call em names haha, im surprised you actuall wrote that :roll:
"elite" just means they pay money to use a free site. it doesn't neccesarily mean they're nice people.
Definitely. All Aerogarbage threads should go to a very quiet place where those unconvinced of the simple facts that the overpriced thing is too small to grow cannabis plants and uses CFL lighting, a guaranteed recipe for disappointment, even as a cloner, can flood the board with all the stoopid they want.

You can build a cloning system for 1/10 the price of an Aerogarbage and an entire, proper grow room for the same price or less.

Call the new forum 'Aerogarden: go here and yap about the thing all you want, just stop bothering serious growers with it.'

There's two kinds of fools: The first believes 'just because it's old, it's good.' The other sort are those who think 'just because it's new, it's better.'

Exactly....and thank you Al B. Fuct so I didn't have to type this.
hey, if you guys simply support the motion to give us our own area, that's great too. ag haters unite!
These people don't understand the good qualities of AG. Were not trying to grow pounds of weed. As you know. We dont have enough room. Im just growing a little somtin somtin for me as a headstash to keep the $$ out my pocket. Yes as i get more experienced with this i will get an hydroponic system.I didnt waste any money on this. I got it for free ! bongsmilie
i kno, it all good, wtf is that guy saying anyways, 74 post get the fuc outa here hahahaha
I vote give them their own forum.

I think the aerogarden is a waste, but... that's just me.

It takes all kinds, and good for anyone who grows and is happy about it, no matter what the means.
"elite" just means they pay money to use a free site. it doesn't neccesarily mean they're nice people.

I paid nothing for the 'elite' thing, that was a gift from RIU admin. I asked to have the 'elite' board features but without the tag. That wasn't possible without rollie rewriting a bunch of code, so there you go.

Would you rather I were sugary-nice and pissed in your pocket or that I provide correct information?

Definitely- give the Aerogarbage and all its misguided wannabe devotees a place far away from everyone else.
see thats what im sayin, "wannabes" how you gon sit there and call people out like that, good thing im not snitch