Pete's First ever Grow Journal :)


K guys here is what youve been waiting for, this is my first 12 took them out of Cloning 2 nights ago and now they are in Veg. at the same time i started 18 new clones lastnight ;) off of our Master Kush Mother.
2 Veg stations each holds 6 plants (for maximum grow)

From Top left and work down
Vanilla Kush
Vanilla Kush
Vanilla Kush
Row 2
Vanilla Kush
LA Women
LA Women
Row 3
La Women
Row 4
BC Bang
Blueberry Kush
Blueberry Kush

Roots from the station on the Left

Roots from the station on the Right


Well-Known Member
So you took cuts two days ago and you already have roots? Nice are you running clonex in your cloners?
Pulling up a chair, nice to see a decent set up!


So you took cuts two days ago and you already have roots? Nice are you running clonex in your cloners?
Pulling up a chair, nice to see a decent set up!

No those are the clones from last week :) i got roots in a little under 2 weeks.

Now i put the new ones into the cloner already these havent rooted yet.


Well-Known Member
Wheres the flower room?

Have you grown out any vanilla kush yet, how is it? I have some beans that are waiting.


The flower room is not ready yet :) just wrapped it lastnight and will be setting it all up this weekend, Pics to follow :)


K here is an update, today I will be witching the lids to black lids.

2 days ago my one plant the leaves were curling like this

Yesterday when i went into the room the leaves are back to normal, what would of caused this?
My baby's :) by the way if you look at the first pics and these the totes were switched around, so 1-6 are on the right now and 7-12 are on the left, so dont think the plants changed :)
2 days ago




Well-Known Member
"Yesterday when i went into the room the leaves are back to normal, what would of caused this?"

Being too hot. It is the plants way of sweating.


"Yesterday when i went into the room the leaves are back to normal, what would of caused this?"

Being too hot. It is the plants way of sweating.
Ya we solved that problem already, had a day where there temp controled plug wasnt workiung and it didnt vent the room when the temp rised.


Well-Known Member
its not an air freshner, it kills the mites incase they decide to show up :)

really??? I'm starting to get a gnat problem and I know I need to get some azatrol (if for nothing else as a preventative) but I could use something like that...if you don't mind me asking where did you get it...


really??? I'm starting to get a gnat problem and I know I need to get some azatrol (if for nothing else as a preventative) but I could use something like that...if you don't mind me asking where did you get it...
Home Depot its called "Hot Shot No Pest Strip (NPS)" they sell them by the bug stuff, it tells you not to stay in the room to long with it because of the smell, but just put it in for 2 days turn your ventilation off and it will kill anything that crawls or flys in your room.


11-8-10 Update
Here is my update guys
11 days into flower (i took 12 cuttings saturday 4 cuttings from the 3 biggest plants

This morning at lights out

My Clones
12 on the left are 1 week old MasterKush Clones
12 on the right are 1 day old LA Woman clones

My Veg
On the left are 10 days in veg and on the right are 8 days into veg