Pete Buttigieg Funded by Russian-Linked Oligarch Who Supports Trump and McConnell


Well-Known Member
"Democratic presidential candidate and former South Bend, Indiana mayor Pete Buttigieg is facing questions after recent revelations that his 2020 effort has taken campaign contributions from an infamous Republican Party billionaire with direct links to the Russian oligarchy. That’s according Federal Election Commission (FEC) data reviewed by Law&Crime.

Previously described in the press as “The Giver,” Leonard “Len” Blavatnik is a well-known GOP donor with a New York address who previously took it upon himself to fund President Donald Trump‘s lavish — and allegedly criminal — inauguration festivities in 2017 to the tune of some $1 million.

Now, Blavatnik and his wife are apparently shifting allegiances. As of this writing, they have donated thousands of dollars to Pete for America, Inc., Buttigieg’s official campaign organization."

"Democratic presidential candidate and former South Bend, Indiana mayor Pete Buttigieg is facing questions after recent revelations that his 2020 effort has taken campaign contributions from an infamous Republican Party billionaire with direct links to the Russian oligarchy. That’s according Federal Election Commission (FEC) data reviewed by Law&Crime.

Previously described in the press as “The Giver,” Leonard “Len” Blavatnik is a well-known GOP donor with a New York address who previously took it upon himself to fund President Donald Trump‘s lavish — and allegedly criminal — inauguration festivities in 2017 to the tune of some $1 million.

Now, Blavatnik and his wife are apparently shifting allegiances. As of this writing, they have donated thousands of dollars to Pete for America, Inc., Buttigieg’s official campaign organization."

Bernie lost to him.

I don't like either actually. I'm fine with the two going down while fighting each other.

Also, if you don't like the laws that regulate campaign financing, vote for Democrats.
direct links to the russian oligarchy means he's russian oligarchy..but smart you splitting about a comment on the content?
If he were the thing, Law and Crime would call him that.

He isn't so they didn't. He has "links." I have links to Republican Scary Institution X and Shady-sounding Foreign Entity Y; I'm a far left socialist broke person.

He's a shady rich guy who donated to the Trump inauguration. That's enough of a story in itself. He has links, okay. That's something, too. Fine to be concerned about Buttigeig's donors, and I certainly don't support the guy, but words matter.
If he were the thing, Law and Crime would call him that.

He isn't so they didn't. He has "links." I have links to Republican Scary Institution X and Shady-sounding Foreign Entity Y; I'm a far left socialist broke person.

He's a shady rich guy who donated to the Trump inauguration. That's enough of a story in itself. He has links, okay. That's something, too. Fine to be concerned about Buttigeig's donors, and I certainly don't support the guy, but words matter.

here, right matters..
Now, Blavatnik and his wife are apparently shifting allegiances. As of this writing, they have donated thousands of dollars to Pete for America, Inc., Buttigieg’s official campaign organization."
I would believe this hit piece on Pete more if it was in the high 6 figures or millions, and not just 'thousands'. The Russian military before 2016 had a $1.25 million a month budget, it just makes sense they would try to give money to everyone just to be able to have this kind of smear in their back pocket.

Also I still haven't seen anything on what it takes to (information wise) to micro donate to these campaigns, and can see them dumping millions under the radar into campaigns like Bernie/Gabbard using click farm techniques.
"Democratic presidential candidate and former South Bend, Indiana mayor Pete Buttigieg is facing questions after recent revelations that his 2020 effort has taken campaign contributions from an infamous Republican Party billionaire with direct links to the Russian oligarchy. That’s according Federal Election Commission (FEC) data reviewed by Law&Crime.

Previously described in the press as “The Giver,” Leonard “Len” Blavatnik is a well-known GOP donor with a New York address who previously took it upon himself to fund President Donald Trump‘s lavish — and allegedly criminal — inauguration festivities in 2017 to the tune of some $1 million.

Now, Blavatnik and his wife are apparently shifting allegiances. As of this writing, they have donated thousands of dollars to Pete for America, Inc., Buttigieg’s official campaign organization."

Release the butthurt. Bernie can't expand his insipid base. A vote for Bernie is a vote for Trump.

Better get that majority or it's over
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direct links to the russian oligarchy means he's russian oligarchy..but smart you splitting about a comment on the content?
Tell us again about how Pelosi owes all those Republicans who voted for her as speaker.

With Tyler gone, it is as if you two clowns have compensated to replace his stupidness.

BTW, you have direct links (through butt sex) with a pimp. So you are a pimp too?
"Democratic presidential candidate and former South Bend, Indiana mayor Pete Buttigieg is facing questions after recent revelations that his 2020 effort has taken campaign contributions from an infamous Republican Party billionaire with direct links to the Russian oligarchy. That’s according Federal Election Commission (FEC) data reviewed by Law&Crime.

Previously described in the press as “The Giver,” Leonard “Len” Blavatnik is a well-known GOP donor with a New York address who previously took it upon himself to fund President Donald Trump‘s lavish — and allegedly criminal — inauguration festivities in 2017 to the tune of some $1 million.

Now, Blavatnik and his wife are apparently shifting allegiances. As of this writing, they have donated thousands of dollars to Pete for America, Inc., Buttigieg’s official campaign organization."

EVRAZ group of Russia?? Hates Trump?? EVRAZ group of Russia USA loves America USA politics and lobbyists Dollars push the government politicians who aid and abet Russia?? EVRAZ Pueblo Colorado USA is good $tart? Please nuthin but the Facts always?? EVRAZ group of Russia owns EVRAZ Ukraine?? Yesssssireeee it’s Huge? Don’t get me going again?? EVRAZ!!! EVRAZ Owns Canada?? Russia?? Yesssssireeee?? Russiagate I nicknamed it...? Watergate scandal Tea Pot Dome oil scandals?? EVRAZ is HUGE and it hates Trump exposing them!??
EVRAZ North America 1700 WacKer Chicago Illinois USA “Russiagate “EVRAZ Portland Ore$? DeepPort$? “Russiagate “EVRAZ Claymont Steeel Corp USA “Russiagate “2008-2013? EVRAZ Pueblo Colorado USA?
Pay$ to Play Career Politics Burisma Charisma ol Fuzzzy? EVRAZ own$ EVRAZ Ukraine!? Mining New$? EVRAZ Plc London United Kingdom?? GloW BaLL effect$ ! GOD Save The Queen!! EVRAZ Canada?? “Russiagate “ blame whooo? Smoke screen$ and Scapegoat$? Uranium mining industries sold to Russia? Yesssssireeee it’s no different from the Russia EVRAZ takeover of USA steeeeLs in 2007-2008 prioR cra$h of o9?? Oop$ Poop$!! Pardon my rant and rave truth be told! EVRAZ??? Russia?? Ohhh $enator$?

key$toneD xL pipe and oil$?? EVRAZ group of Russia own$ ? Canada? Politicians who have been involved in the “Russiagate “ me$$? EVRAZ Chicago Illinois USA? EVRAZ Pueblo Colorado USA make$ pipe$? Trumps Chump Change to these people
If he were the thing, Law and Crime would call him that.

He isn't so they didn't. He has "links." I have links to Republican Scary Institution X and Shady-sounding Foreign Entity Y; I'm a far left socialist broke person.

He's a shady rich guy who donated to the Trump inauguration. That's enough of a story in itself. He has links, okay. That's something, too. Fine to be concerned about Buttigeig's donors, and I certainly don't support the guy, but words matter.
Yeah where's all your sources????? I believe u!!! Lolll not! Why do u think have more info than certain people? The news, and all I heard Hillary C. And Butigedge and some others had the iowa caucass fail on purpose so it's not republican party it's the Hillary machine doing work for Pete B
Yeah where's all your sources????? I believe u!!! Lolll not! Why do u think have more info than certain people? The news, and all I heard Hillary C. And Butigedge and some others had the iowa caucass fail on purpose so it's not republican party it's the Hillary machine doing work for Pete B
Sources? Wikipedia and Federal Documentation! EVRAZ group of Russia USA!! Look see yourself! EVRAZ North America Chicago Illinois USA America USA... easy to google search? Call me a old dinosaur pre y2k? Sherlock Homie! 1776 family! Equality State!

rails and TraiL$? EVRAZ Portland has De RaiL$ Bo$$! And yes de train$? To derailment ore$? Tracks! Railroad tracks Bo$$ ?
Ya, still not sure about Pete, but it was literally a story over $5,400. If I can buy an election for 6k, sign me up.


Look at how much $$ Blavatnik has donated to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, DCCC...