Pests on preflowers (probably mites) HELP!


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone ive had plants flowring for 2 weeks now and the preflowers looked discolored. I looked closer, and these clear tiny droplets had little legs and were moving around my buds. I think I have spider mites in the budding area, is there ANY way to kill them? Or should i cut all these girls down? How can I kill them all? This is tricky because instead of eating the leaves they're eating the buds, and i don't know what to do.


Well-Known Member
you can easily eradicate them using neem oil. just dilute it according to the bottle and spray heavily when you first attack, simce it is only the 2nd week you will not get budrot as long as your room is not too moist. as time gors on just gradully cut back on the neem. just a bit sprayed on the leaves every couple of minutes. you can find this at any nursury.


Well-Known Member
even directly onto the preflowers/buds? The bud sights are about the size of a jelly bean, so according to what you say, if i just spray these small sights with neem, they will be able to grow healthy again?


Well-Known Member
actually in retrospect I think I have aphid problems. I can only see the bugs with a microscope and they look like water droplets with legs that move. Neem is still good?


Well-Known Member
there s some stuff you can buy from the hydro shops, but really. insect killer works, as does dish soap mixed with water.


Active Member
Puts some yellow -sticky -traps at top of pots to catch lil' buggers that fly and spot spray the rest with neem oil. Neem oil stays on foliage for up to a month or until it's washed off so your finished buds should be good to go.