Pest in the tent. Help!

MJ Crescendo

Well-Known Member
So I just germ'd my nirv snow whites and put them in dixie cups of FFOF yesterday. Today I open the tent and think I'm high when I see something move. I look a little closer and I see these little (1mm) whitish/clear bugs with some legs and antennae. I've been trying to get them out and smash em up, but this is a big PROBLEM. Everything is in what I thought to be a sanitized grow tent, but it has a passive intake.

I assume these little turds came in through the passive intake and made there way to the soil. I can't believe I have a pest in my garden and they have just been germ'd. I'm even speculating that they were already in the FFOF soil bag.. Either way I need to get rid of these b4 my seedlings come up!

I heard a 1:3 alcohol/water mix kills? or maybe neem oil? I don't have a shop close so I'll have to overnight it or go to lowes. I really do not know what to do, but feel like I should do something to prevent this.

Any people experience pest troubles on the soil, this early in the game? Please chime in and help a brotha out. I will order what ever I need tonight if I can. These should be poppin out of the soil tomorrow and last thing my seedlings need are pest running all over them

MJ Crescendo

Well-Known Member
Lighter is out and I'm burnin these f*cks

5 down. Not much movement right now. Perhaps I need to add some neem oil? idk even know what that does, but I need some preventive measures for the future

MJ Crescendo

Well-Known Member
I am brewing some of my pipe tobacco and water overnight and going to spray the soil down w/ it. Anyone ever use this method? let me know if it is a bad idea

Also heard this stuff called Diatomaceous earth might work since these buggers are soil based and this stuff apparently eats their shell away. Sounds good to me!

MJ Crescendo

Well-Known Member
Research is telling me that because they are in the soil and I only saw them after the soil was saturated that they may be SPRINGTAILS. I have not seen them jump but these little pest are tiny so I may have missed it. Apparently they are harmless to plants and only eat dead matter in the soil. They are also supposed to die out indoors which is a relief because I may not have to take action. I would rather not water with the tobacco juice I am making unless required. I feel as if keeping just ph'd water going to the seedlings is the best route and using any other products will harm them. Can't wait for these little bitches to pop out of the soil.

Close inspection of the soil for last few hours has yielded no movement. I may have burnt all them lil fux to hell. Goooo butane!


Active Member
Sounds like fungus gnats to me. Do they crawl around and fly around a bit when you water? If so then it's probably just gnats. The diatomaceous earth will get them under control for sure.

You don't need a hydro shop, just a nursery / garden center. Shouldn't be too tough to find one close.
The D.E. costs about 10 bucks. (that's what it cost at mine, anyway.)

Hope I helped! Peace.