Peruvian Mountain Outdoor Grow 16/17

Im going to start popping beans within the next few days to get this show on the road

im going to start with a bunch of the Peruvian Red landrace and ive got some seeds i got from some really good smoke i had in the north a little while back which im going to call Equadorian Border Skunk which will hopefully do good up in the mountains although it came from a tropical desert region
Id ask for pics but dont want ya gettin in trouble with the mrs for data usage lmao. Droolin over here jonny. Goodstuff dude
Ha yeah Latinas are the best women in the world until you piss them off, then you better have your escape route well planned but I'm not at the house today so I'll try and post a few more pics later on
so let me ask the obvious question, do you have any coca shrubs growing?

Nah but thats not a problem anyway since you can buy a carrier bag full of coca leaves for a couple of bucks in literally any town you go to. I drink them as tea most of the time cause its tastier than the herbal teas most people like around here, but am currently working my way through 2000 bags of PG Tips a friend recently brought me over from england
leafs.jpg leafs 2.jpg
Funny to find foreigners here in Peru. Glad I am not the only one.

Small plants from feminized seeds from the US. OGK currently working. Took some clones.

These soils here are very different than most and highly mineral.

Dying to see some photos!

i knew there would be some others here somewhere good to hear from someone else in peru. Can you elaborate on what you know about the soil?
Been real busy down here the last few days, moving rocks and traveling around and camping on saturday night. There was an earthquake not to far away over the weekend as well, i didnt feel it but some people have told me they did and a lot of damage near the epicenter apparently which is kind of scary but no harm done to us and hopefully thats the way it stays. the weather has been exceptional the last few days as wel. Seeds are under paper towels as of this morning so looking forward to getting started now always a good feeling