Personal Medical Grow in Coco. [Chem D, Grape Romulan, Grapefurit Haze, Casey Jones]


Well-Known Member
thats insane in the membrane.
pound a month. You must be really stoned for that month haha.
Cant wait to see what line-up of strains you got for your next grow.
Btw frostier then ever buds.
just curious how many plants you got total?
Thanks man. I got total of 6 plants. 2x CJ, 2x CD, 1 GR, 1 GFH.

I suffer from chronic back and leg pain, I have a really high tolerance and don't lead a high life style, I do my best to continue with a normal lifestyle. Being in pain definitely stops me from doing that, so I rely on cannabis as it is my safest bet.

Yeh, I mentioned that to Jigfresh as he's also a football/soccer (perhaps we should call it - Foocer! haha) I thought that decision was pants on head to be honest. No way should it have been disallowed. There is no real consistency with some of the refs throughout the games. That particular ref blew for any pushing in the box from a freekick, corner etc...however, other refs don't! That's one thing about football that needs sorted! Definitive rules about certain things. Put these rules in place and act on them, players will soon stop grabbing shirts, pulling , etc....

Good luck to the US!!!

LMAO, Foocer, that works for me dude. Anyhow man I completely with you the refs have been terrible during this world cup. Way too many unfair calls, in a lot of the games. This def needs to change in the future.

Good luck to England and Netherlands.

didnt catch the usa game but im deffo with you on the reffing has been so inconsistent this WC, christ the brazil ivory coast yesterday was bonkers, kaka got sent off for having a player run into him and go down crying like he'd been shot, i was dumbfounded. the ref actually didnt see it, and even asked fabiano if he'd handballed it after the goal was given!?!? as if he's going to say oh aye man it was a cracking hand ball!?!?!

i reckon were out before were even in and rightly so our mob have been utter gash so far. i reckon it would be a kanny scalp for the slov boys

foocer has never been this bad...

and i second that an elbow a month is fucking insane bro, you must have lungs of solid steel
I was completely amazed, what the fuck, I don't even know what to say. Not having these refs in the future games isn't a good enough deal, the teams were still punished for garbage.

That ref for the Brasil game was hilarious....what a douche bag!
Dude I don't know what to say, it is way to fucking terrible at what is happening. I am really surprised at how well the teams are taking it, and no one has come out laid an ass beating on the ref.

Not a soccerfan but i always love watching those slide tackles and how aggressive the players get.
trust me man, the more you watch it the more you will get into it.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
freakin gorgeous Bender man, love that last pic the chrystal down that stem is glistening so much!

i reckon england are out tomorrow afternoon


Well-Known Member
freakin gorgeous Bender man, love that last pic the chrystal down that stem is glistening so much!

i reckon england are out tomorrow afternoon

Thanks man.

Yeah lets see how things unwrap for our group. Slovenia and Algeria both did much better than expected.


Well-Known Member
freakin gorgeous Bender man, love that last pic the chrystal down that stem is glistening so much!

i reckon england are out tomorrow afternoon
exactly what I was going to say...the trichs down that stem are redankulous B!!!

I actually think England will beat Slovenia (even with what has gone on)! Good luck to you guys!


Well-Known Member
hey bender.
Im sry to hear that man, i feel like a dick now....

I love the Jupiter man. That nug shot is awesome.
Agreed with the cyrstalization on the stem. Awesome pictures!


Well-Known Member
exactly what I was going to say...the trichs down that stem are redankulous B!!!

I actually think England will beat Slovenia (even with what has gone on)! Good luck to you guys!
Thanks bud, CJ is definitely gonna make a good batch of hash. Out of medicine yet again and really looking forward to the hash the day after the harvest.

I am almost certain the English are going to win the game against Slovenia.

hahahah a scot wishing the english good fortune i'm going to take a photo for prosperity ;)
LOL, I didn't know that the Scot were rivals with the English.

hey bender.
Im sry to hear that man, i feel like a dick now....

I love the Jupiter man. That nug shot is awesome.
Agreed with the cyrstalization on the stem. Awesome pictures!
Thanks bro for your kind words.
Don't worry man, anyone who doesn't know my situation might assume the same as you did.
Your lady is taking off pretty good. Sucks to hear that you got a piss test coming up.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahah dude the scots hate the english with a passion. something to do with us raping and pillaging them then they kicked our asses back to the midlands, theyve never forgiven us really and to be fair its pretty just.


Well-Known Member
Damn brotha they look great. are you already using the shooting powder? The GF it growing fingers like my BD did the round before last after I added the shootign powder. Looks like is is growing buds on top of buds. From the pictures the buds look nice and dense too. Very nice and dank B.


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro for your kind words.
Don't worry man, anyone who doesn't know my situation might assume the same as you did.
Your lady is taking off pretty good. Sucks to hear that you got a piss test coming up.
Hey man. yah i got the piss tests at the worst time of my life. right before my harvest. Fml. Looks like my buds shall cure till i can blaze.
Yah man but my plant is taking good. Im just about to post an update. Quick ?: What method do you use when ur making your hash, i will be using my plant material/popcorn nuggets. ... btw your plants cant get any better! Perfecto!


Well-Known Member
how's that grapefruit haze starting to smell?
and that OG jupiter is lookin damn tasty as well. you know what the lineage is behind all those trichs?



Well-Known Member
Wasn't feeling well for a few days, I am feeling a whole lot better now, thanks for the love everyone.

hahah dude the scots hate the english with a passion. something to do with us raping and pillaging them then they kicked our asses back to the midlands, theyve never forgiven us really and to be fair its pretty just.
Oh I See. Didn't know about that, now I feel dumb.

Damn brotha they look great. are you already using the shooting powder? The GF it growing fingers like my BD did the round before last after I added the shootign powder. Looks like is is growing buds on top of buds. From the pictures the buds look nice and dense too. Very nice and dank B.
Thanks bro, yeah the GFH is on the shooting powder. Actually today it was on day 50 and I flushed it using royal flush. I went with jberrys instruction on when to feed what booster and GFH was ready for shooting powder by 4th week whereas everything else got it way later in starting week 5-6.

Hey man. yah i got the piss tests at the worst time of my life. right before my harvest. Fml. Looks like my buds shall cure till i can blaze.
Yah man but my plant is taking good. Im just about to post an update. Quick ?: What method do you use when ur making your hash, i will be using my plant material/popcorn nuggets. ... btw your plants cant get any better! Perfecto!
Cool man. Thanks a lot bro.
I use bubble bags to make hash.

how's that grapefruit haze starting to smell?
and that OG jupiter is lookin damn tasty as well. you know what the lineage is behind all those trichs?

Grapefruit haze smells very spicy and hazy. The plant it self doesn't look like a haze at all.

I am happy to report that Jupiter OG I stumbled upon indeed seems like the real deal. It has the staple OG aroma and is extremely dense with heavy trichrome coverage.

Thanks for the kind remarks.

Those calyxes are starting to swell up nicely bender, going to be one good looking harvest bro!
Thanks man, really hoping it will be a good harvest. Cannot wait bro.

Harvesttime is very soon!
Cant wait man. ill be a little bit behide you. :bigjoint:
Same here man, cannot wait for harvest.


Well-Known Member
It always amazes me how around day 56 my Casey is basically finished, and your lady is still packing on the pounds. Grapefruit Haze looks awesome as well bru. Well it all does, haha.

Hope you are well.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
Im awed by your plants man. that jupiter OG is still my favorite. then CJ. CJ looks like DST said basically done. Cant get enough man.
Thanks for questioning my question!


Well-Known Member
Man, I always sigh when I see that CJ, it is just so amazing. That GF is gettign some great colors, is it turning purple? Between your growinf skills and your photography talents, these pics could be in magazines Bro.


Well-Known Member
It always amazes me how around day 56 my Casey is basically finished, and your lady is still packing on the pounds. Grapefruit Haze looks awesome as well bru. Well it all does, haha.

Hope you are well.

Peace, DST
Hey D, I am well. Hope everything is going great with you. Thanks for the kind words. Yeah my casey packs on most of it's size pretty late. I am on day 60 and it still doesn't look like it will be done by day 70. May be a few extra days. I fed her really hard this last week. Base nute @ 1.5 EC + Shooting Powder @ 0.7 EC = 2.2 EC. Tomorrow I will observe her closely and see how many more day I need to feed her for. I need at least a 7-10 day flush on her, so may be I will feed her till day 65.

Im awed by your plants man. that jupiter OG is still my favorite. then CJ. CJ looks like DST said basically done. Cant get enough man.
Thanks for questioning my question!
Thanks man. JO is what I consider to be a very high class strain, which top growers have in their head stash.

LOL you mean answering your question.

Man, I always sigh when I see that CJ, it is just so amazing. That GF is gettign some great colors, is it turning purple? Between your growinf skills and your photography talents, these pics could be in magazines Bro.
Hey bro, how is it going. You are always too kind to me man. Thank you.

GFH has a few hues of pink here and there but is quite green for the most part. GFH is a perfect plant from every angle, the only issue is that it seems to be a bit leafy.

On the other side I am willing to bet that Grape Romulan is going to be the clear overall winner.

Possibly an all Grape Romulan and may be Grapefruit Haze round next time.