Persistant Plants


Active Member

About a week ago now I was put in the position of having to cull two plants and concentrate on one plant due to space restrictions.

So I thought fuck it and cut about 90% of all leaves off each plant leaving about 10-15% of each stalk. The plants were sticks, so I put them back into the grow box and continued to nuture them as much as the other plant. The only difference is I left them in the smaller pots.

1 Week later and the little babys are sprouting newer fresher leaves and the stalk itself is thicker and more branches than just my normal grow. Seeming this is my first grow I am amazed with the resilience of these plants, and give them more credit now. hehehehe

The pics attached are:

1. Before cropping
2. After cropping
3. 1 Week later




Active Member
hehehe. Luv it.... also the setup is smelling goood now...

Gunna see how the chopped leaves go...

I am still stoked that the stems are more advanced than the bigger plants... How do the stems grow.. I mean what is the process, do the leaves get the light and grow from that and the stems get the left over light.. or is it a process from the roots that the stems draws its size?
