Perpetual - Stealth PC Grow-op - LST - 12/12


Active Member
Just figured I would start a new thread with my PC grow, After the sucess I had with my last grow. It made me want to go perpetual and just keep dropping plants in there. Its a 18x18x8 (inch) PC box, with 3-23 watt CLFS = 4800 lumens in total. Im going with a constant 12/12 flowering light cycle. I use fox farm nutes GROW BIG, TIGER BLOOM, BIG BLOOM. LST is my favorite thing to do, so its done also. :eyesmoke:



Active Member
Just dropped a Northern lights seed in to a party cup and going to see if "its" a female. Hope that the other 4 pop soon to I cant throw them in there to.
Heres a few pic from my last grow.



Active Member
Hell yeah Antec Three Hundred lol that's the shit, got one as well. Last grow looks awesome, good luck with this one.