Perpetual notes from my small grow

Starting a new journal. New to this site and just testing out the features. I used to post on a different site and do not want to post there anymore so trying this place out.

Nothing to see here just my notes moving forward and possibly a pic here and there if I want to make something easy access.

I am hopefully finishing off killing a mass infestation this week and will get my grow back on track. Possibly pull a few heavily impacted plants and replace with some new reg seed plants that need to move into the bloom tent soon if not already.

Mainly I realized I didn’t document some critical things I should have in this grow because I am not using the old journal anymore and needed a new one.

For example this is a lemon OGK auto that I can’t remember how old it is. Possibly 6 weeks... who knows I didn’t write it down.

And I started these autos at the same time, just lollipoped a bit, removed main stalk fan leaves to help with the insect problem, washed them down and sprayed them heavily to kill the infestation off. All of these are obviously very young with a ways to go. But could have been much better ... also running with photos so only on 12 hour lights. Not a good run but it helps to document things so I am back at it.

Test post done.
Put a little piece of grey duct tape on the pot. Mark it with the strain and the date you put it in to flower. No need to look up notes if you have the info on each individual pot.
Pots Are marked with the things I am mostly concerned with. I opened this journal specifically to document dates of things and make some pics readily accessible.
RC S2 came up today! Like 5 days from harvesting it 4 days in soil...I have always said fresh seed just works and no need for paper towel madness.

SW ‘B’ slower plant looks to have pre sexed female
SW ‘A’ may have pre sexed as male which is fantastic! I want to get a pile of fresh seed from this grow. At least get some pollen collected soon, as I am out.

The SW are good enough to bloom decently so I probably will pull early some of the more ravaged plants from the bloom tent tonight or tomorrow. The SW can last a few more days in the veg area but no need as they are cloned so sexing and breeding them should be a priority.

I will likely do another round of spraying tomorrow night so that would be a good time to swap some plants.
First LSD clones rooted and placed in soil today.

Dialed bloom light down to 750 as it is a bit warm in here still but I don’t want to open the door as it is getting below freezing outside. Probably a mistake.
Split up double planting today into two pots. Put 4 LSD clones into soil. Placed SW’A’ and two SW’B’ clones into soil.

Tried to Start two new containers of compost. Got distracted and never finished. I did combine one time use soil out of a few containers but didn’t do anything yet to them. So technically I started the piles but I will add stuff later maybe tomorrow.

Watered some in the bloom area.

These ones are rebounding well from the infestation. Not perfect but they went through a lot of torture and spraying and are doing ok.

I think the mix is too hot or rather a bit off balance as the soil is a bit young still.
EWC, Bat Guano, sea bird guano, bio-live, Bone meal, feather meal, Blood meal, Rock Phosphate, Azomite, kelp meal alfalfa meal, dolomite lime (just a dash), humic acid, Green Sand.

This soil will be in good condition spring. I may need this stuff early.

Super cropped the LSD. ( filter makes the colors a bit off)

Super cropped one of the Snow White as well.
Pulled a few plants. They survived the infestation but had some scaring from the sprays. They were stunted and started growing new flowers out of the ripe ones which tends to lead to hermi so I took them out of the light. Didn’t get much yield on these girls from all the stress they had. Amazed they even survived. Should finish getting the rest of these low producing ones from the infestation out of the tent in the next week or so.

Even the popcorn did alright

But too many were restarting and I don’t need to deal with that.

Washed up a few plants and hung to dry... small weaker ones due to the infestation but suitable to be eaten.

Took clones off SW’C’ but I think it be a male too. 3 in a row so odds are good for the next one. Then placed seed plant in tent to sex.

AK48’A’ is a male. I cut it back, cleaned it up. It is under full light still and is acting like an over feed auto male. It is on a light mix but under bloom LED so maybe that is making it want to bloom. Anyway too early to clone it and try to grow out a real sized plant.
Took clones off AK48‘B’ and placed mother back into veg space for a day. Tomorrow I will take down a few more messed up ones that will make space. For this one to get a spot to get sexed for sure. I should be done pulling down badly impacted plants that are all finishing up now over the next few days.

The LSD that was super cropped a few days back has healed and making a nice canopy.

The autos growing in the Fox Farm blend are not doing as well at all as the ones in the compost mix.
3 SW males back to back. So I started a new SW and a Blackie soaking yesterday and placed them in a light mix just now. 1/4 each perlite, peat moss, first run compost (maybe 3 months old), 1 rootball from first run soil.

Used the same stuff to set up an LSD clone in a mid size pot. Too small just yet for the bloom tent.

Accidentally broke the top of the AK 48 trying to super crop her and ended up cloning what I broke off her a few times.
Started 2 new seeds today, regular WW.

Found out today from the guy who gave me the cutting that the LSD I was given is finicky to finish which means it can hermi and needs care. I did see a nanner and removed it today. I may pull it soon. I usually go muuuuuuuch longer but the nanner bothers me. I may lower the light intensity or push the thing into the corner.

The autos are coming along well considering the infestation they survived.

WW both popped today.

I remembered my plan was to take one early clone of this LSD and make seeds from it... so I grabbed one today that is one of the more further along ones to use for seeds. Will repot that and place into bloom tonight.

AK48 has one cutting ready for soil. I will likely use one of these clones for seed as well. However I have male pollen and can make a fresh round. Likely I do both.
Long time so here are some notes...

clone meant for hermi was given heavy doses of crab meal and oyster shell meal and has stretched as expected and may just hermi from that dosing alone.

AK 48 seed plant looked great but hermi’d out of nowhere right next to a bunch of other plants. No real obvious reason for it, possibly poor genetics. I have heard a lot bad about AK 48 but also a lot good so it is likely unstable. I have some clones going we shall see if it was the soil or the DNA. Threw her on the porch to freeze and will be recycling her this weekend.

I put a bunch of harvested plants back into bloom, some with a decent amount of popcorn left to rebloom including some autos. I have an auto that has sort of momentarily revenged and immediately rebloomed so we shall see what happens. Would be nice if I get a few blooms off the same rootball. I never heard of anyone revenging autos and this really doesn’t count as I am putting them back into bloom not veg but next time I may try to do a real reveg. I do have a few reveg plants going already as those make monsters.

Started some HD and some GG#4.

Made a huge batch of tea with some bloom additives and gave everyone some. I have one LSD that is very weak and is why made the Tea. Hopefully there is a simple problem and the tea fixes but I am concerned the pH is off. Since it really has no business being off or mattering there may be a problem in that pot.