perpetual harvest 4,000 watt flower


Active Member
thank you Cuebossa, stick around i have grown this strain (qrazy train) before and its amazing and that was in a little closet that was less then ideal so im getting more and more excited as time passes


Well-Known Member
got up to the room today and plugged in a 400 watt mh i got from a buddy and wouldn't you know it the breaker blew FUCK! so now its time to wire the shop again and this time im gonna do it right when i started my room the shop had no power ran to it being on a budget and being a construction worker i used what i had on had and spent the least i could on it because at the time my room was going to be much smaller and then i was going to add on to it as i got more money but as i started to build the room i figured i might as well only build it once so i went large, and its a good thing i did but now my quick fix is becoming a fire risk. so the co2 tank is going to be put on hold as im going to have to buy a new 125 amp sub panel and breakers along with about 100ft of THICK ass wire so i can properly wire it for 220 and since im going to wire the shop for 220 i might as well do the room.... i guess this is becoming a grow journal and a room redesign post but im high so im ranting about all the work i have to do... but in the end it will be magical.... please stick around post something.... say high?.... ill take more pics again in the next few days when there's a change
Depending on how far the breaker box is... I would do a bunch of double 20 amp's. wired with 12/3 into a double socket box. So each side will have 1900 available constant watts. thats 2 lights for each box plus various fans and shit around them. so you could do everything with 3 set's... 3 double 20's, 6 20 amp outletts, probably 100 foot total of 12/3 and 3 boxes (if you want to make it easier to wire up, you can double up the boxs so you have more room to do shit inside the thing...) I say 3 because im guessing youll want your ac or whatever other high output things on a dedicated box rather than sharing with the lights. because each side of the outlette that has the open spot will only be safe to draw an additional 800 watts, figuring 1100 for light/ballast on each side. just my .02


Well-Known Member
things look great btw man... and congrats on the larger secret location. I know first hand how much work it is to keep things secretive and concealed. It's a pain in the fuckin dick! I have already shared too much with people i trust and family, even though my state has some nasty "legal penalties" for it, it's pretty much the joke of the drug world as well, and have know people to get busted with 100's of plants in the houses and did nothing more than have there shit taken, and did 2 years of probation... no big deal, did a year of it before, pretty much a joke... they just want money for the most part, and property. there are not many people doing "hard" time for weed. Period... just for the simple fact at ANY amount, you cant get a life sentence here makes it A-ok for me. hahaha, even if im busted with 200 thousand tons of it... I would just take a bow and wait to collect payday after the time... bwhahaha....


Active Member
thanks thesnake i got all of the electricity issues figured out i decided not to do 220 to the room and wired in a whole new sub panel in the room because the current box was on the other side of the shop about 40ft away and now ea outlet box is running off of its own 20 amp breaker one light in ea and another for the ac i also have 3 other outlets i wired in on the ceiling all off of one 30 amp breaker for fans and such having more power is better then not having enough....

as far as the law goes im not worried about them i have medical cards (3) so im legal allowed 45 plants i do have more then that but ive had friend get busted and all that happened was the cop told him that he would be back in a week and he better be within his limits otherwise he would be fined... but there has been a recent string of robbery's related to grow rooms in my area one of my friends was robbed at gun point by 4 people (its the same 4 people going house to house) and they have still not been caught... in my friends case the room was not even at his house they just thought it was being dried there they tied him his wife and 3 year old daughter up but the weed was not even there so they took there wallets and id's and told them they would be back so that's why i keep my room a secret.... and a gun nearby aint no one hurting my family....
well if your state is anything like my state. as long as their in your house you have full right to shot them dead on site. most cops will even tell you if you shot them outside drag them back inside. an no i dont live in the south lol. its always a good idea to keep you grow room safe, you never know who could say the wrong thing to the wrong person. and it sounds like you have it wired up to expand if you get a higher limit :)


Active Member
yes in my state there is the "stand your ground law" were if u feel your life is in danger u can use lethal force in ur house, on the property, even on the street as long as u are in fear of extreme harm i am a person of peace been in very few fight i try to avoid them but if someone is going to give me no other option im choosing me over them


Active Member
today was are first hot day we have had all summer i was kinda hoping it would never come but it did and it feel good, but i had to put in the ac unit i knew i would have to do it at some point and now its in and temps are back at 75


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im gonna post pics today just to kinda keep a weekly update in progress i was in my room earlier today and everything was looking super nice i just forgot to bring the camera with me


Active Member
flower room 3 weeks in qrazy train

and the veg room ill update the strain info next week its still the same as before but ill go a little more in depth with ea and show pics of how they are doing in veg
i will be moving the 7 biggest qrazy train along with 1 critical mass and 1 blue angle in to flower next week


Active Member
gave the qrazy train there first taste of nutes now that it has been three weeks since there last transplant they need some food i start with 1/4 strength and with a schedule of feed, water, water, water, feed im using alaska mor bloom 0-10-10 and alaska fish emulsion 5-1-1 ill see how they respond to there first feeding in my last room i did the same schedule and it worked out nice


Active Member
went and looked at the ladies today and they are looking great they loved there first does of nutes last time i burnt my girls a little when i first started up nutes but this time it went smooth next weeks pic updates will be really nice


Active Member
just put set number 2 into flower things were getting a little too crowed in the veg room ill get some pics up tomorrow but i put 8 more qrazy train along with 1 critical mass and 1 blue angle that i got from a local dispensary


Active Member
Nice so your harvest will be every month or every 2 weeks?

  • i will harvest every three weeks the first few sets will be a few days off closer to four weeks apart but by my third set i should be on my 3 week cycle and im doing a 9 week flowering period so when it is in full motion there will be three sets in flower 3 weeks apart​



Active Member
they are smelling amazing and are COVERED IN CRYSTALS the pictures really do not do them justice i need to get a better camera.... i had been using my new one that i bought a few months ago but the pics have been looking super shitty in the room.... at least everywhere else the camera works great... so today i used my older camera remembering that the pics it took of my last room where at least better then the ones i had been taking....

everything has been going really smoothly in the room i am super excited to get a good harvest out of it....

also im looking forward to growing this strain called bay 11 this seedling is about 5 weeks old i think kinda lost track because i forgot to write it down in my calender :wall:
but it is growing really nice in veg and it was the 2012 or 2011 cannabis cup winner for number one sativa


Active Member
How much do you expect to get from each cycle?
when i get my cycle right with 9 plants in ea ( right now the first set has 12 and the second has 10) i hope to get about 6-8 ounce per plant so 3 1/2- 4 1/2 lbs every 3 weeks but it could be less i might only get like 4 ounce per plant idk yet for sure


Well-Known Member
Yea dude 6 to 8 would be a little crazy mabey hydro with co2
id think more like 3 oz a plant to 4, 4 a plant is still really good though.
looking really nice in there that would be cool if you could find a nice camera on Craigslist for cheap or something.