perpetual grow electric consumption

hello all,

I been out the game for a little while and am ready to get back on the saddle again.

I am looking to go with a perpetual grow system this time round which will keep me in bud all year round. Looking for a harvest every 4 weeks.

Im in England, UK

I am looking for answers in regards to my potential electric usage. I live in a 2 bedroom flat with a lounge as well. My set up is as follows:

Lounge mother room and clones = 125 cfl light
vegging- 2 tents with 2x 600 watt hps= 1200 watt hps

room 1 flowering room 1-4 weeks - 2 tents with 2x 600 watt hps= 1200 watt hps

room 2 flowering room 5-8/9 weeks - 2 tents with 4x 600 watt hps= 2400 watt hps

total usage is 4925 watts.

My question really is, bearing in mind that it is a 2 bedroom flat with a lounge, will this electric usage stand out with the leccy company?

there will be nothing else in the house using electric apart from the intake/outtake fans used in the tents.

thanx for your understanding guys and gals and thank you in advance for your help.


i have bolded the question so not to get lost in my mumbo jumbo,lol


Well-Known Member
Your electric usage allowance with a electric company would be around 48kwh per day, this is generally equated as 1000w per bedroom per hour. 2x bedrooms = 2kw x 24hours = 48kwh per day usage,

If you are on a prepay meter they dont really care as long as you're paying.

If you are direct debit the meter reader guy has to read your meter to update your records to adjust the direct debit accordingly. If you are using more than the allowance they will probably phone you and put you on a better tariff, they arent gonna phone the FUZZ on a good paying customer.



Well-Known Member
Just with your HPS lights taking vegging on 18/6 and your 2 flower rooms you are using 64.8kwh per day of electricity.

Just with your HPS lights taking vegging on 18/6 and your 2 flower rooms you are using 64.8kwh per day of electricity.

hello mate, thanx for giving me a reply, really really appreciated.

so my allowance is 48, but my usage is hovering about the 64, do you think this will stand out with the electric company?

I am always a prompt payer, so as soon as i get the bill, il pay it. If the electric company gets their money and im using a lot of electricity, it must be good for them right?

sorry to bombard you guys with the questions.




Active Member
they will keep good paying customers happy.. not arrested.. pluis ur on 18/6 and 12/12 u could be running multiple servers and be hovering way above that...
they will keep good paying customers happy.. not arrested.. pluis ur on 18/6 and 12/12 u could be running multiple servers and be hovering way above that...
thats what i thought all along, why would you grass up a good paying customer if your an electric company, dont make sense,lol

too many people got me paranoid about the whole situation, thanx for helping me out guys, now i can concentrate on the essentials rather then the electric company,lol

thanx once again
