Perpetual 2 gallon perlite?


Active Member
If someone were to get a 5x5 tent with 2 600ws and fill it with 36 2 gallon bags and watered with the lucas formula, and this someone were to cut 18 every 4 weeks could this get that person around 16-17oz or would the yeild b different in reality

Dude wants to get 1 oz per p and get 16-17 o per harvest

or 9-10 every 2 weeks
There are soooo many variables. I am going to go out on a limb and say no, because they would end up in jail.
Would this person be running a separate veg area? I would say its possible but to pull 1 oz a plant is going to require some veg time (IMO 7-14 days) but can be done, that's not a insane order to fill. I would say being very realistic expect a half p every 2 weeks with some veg time and a decent amount of hydro grow education under there belt.