Pernicious Flowering (Early) of Large Outdoor Crop


Here in NorCal we have had awful weather. 50-60 degrees and mini rains for the last 3 weeks, where it should be in the 80-100's.

Pretty much all my strains are showing budding, some light, some quite heavy.

Amongst one row of clones, in this case my SkyDog, one sister might not be flowering, but its sister six feet away has definite cola's forming. Same way for all clones except my White Widow, which just keeps thumbing its nose at the weather. It's now 5' tall.

Any advice or just leave it alone until the weather gets better?


Week 2...still budding throughout. One plant actually building a pretty good bud. Cannot figure out the early flowering. Ruderalis is not the case here.


id say its up to you and your space availabitly. If its possible im thinkin maybe find a spot to put em under a light inside on the cloudy days. Im in norcal too and feel you on the weird weather note. Today was nice though and hopefully these last few storms are on there way out for good. Best of luck


Well since they are in holes (firmly in the ground). I could not get them indoors. So most of my crop started flowering (a couple had chucky buds starting) and then went thru two weeks of sickness moving from flowering back to veg. I had to prune off the brown dying crap, but am pleased to report that I have full veg state going again. I lost a total of 13 plants that were unable to come back to vegetative state.

Stay tuned...