permission to blaze?


Well-Known Member
my boy was saposed to be here 3 hours ago and he hassnt come yet. he he's been idle on aim for like an hour and a half and now i just seen him sign off completely. do u think i should just start on one blunt and hope he gets her intime for the second one? or do u think i should want some more?
If it was me , I woulda already... 3 hours, if ya tried to contact him with no answer, and he knew you were waitin for him, I'd say you've waited long enough... but it is your call


Well-Known Member
ill wait 10 more min. at that time it will be 12 am.......u kno what? fuck it im smokin

fuckin, it turns out, he got into a fight with his mom and disappeared for a while.
scared the shit outta me tho.


Well-Known Member
unless he's a friend in MAJOR need I'd have blazed 10-15 minutes in. you snooze you lose homie!

nah, not really, I'd blaze that for you, and smoke him up anyways once he gets there. then you get super stoneddddd like that other guy.

edit: other guy= nowstopwhining.


Well-Known Member
Lol dude, I'd have a had 6 joints in that much time.... lol, you sure are amateur.
Oh I forgot, you need to trade in kidneys to afford pot over there...


Well-Known Member
Lol dude, I'd have a had 6 joints in that much time.... lol, you sure are amateur.
Oh I forgot, you need to trade in kidneys to afford pot over there...

you dont kno whe half of it. i can get a quarter ounce of some medium grade for like 100. but stull like haze, kush, skunk, sour d, white widdow, stuff like that id pay like $105-$125 a quarter ounce.