Permanently getting rid of spider mites for next crop


Well-Known Member
How would i do that?

tryed neem oil on the plants had little results.
tryed alcohol solution with water was pretty successful but the mix doesnt kill the eggs and they always seem to comeback.

so now i dont have anymore plants in there, i want to get rid of the F***ing things before i start a decent size crop.

give me all you got


Well-Known Member
sadly the "floor" is carpet.... im thinking of deep washing it and laying a painters plastic tarp over the carpet for the next grow since for the last crop i had layed down a few thin sheets of wood so i wouldnt damage the carpet......


Well-Known Member
I take a multi-pronged attack against insects. First, I use a Pyrethrum solution and mix it at 2% for spider mites and thrips, and actually fully submerge (dip) the entire plant in it. I also try to shake the plant a little while they're dipped as to actually displace the bugs off it. Then, I use Hot Shot pest strips in the grow room, and make sure they all die. From this point forward, I'll be assuming that they're there all the time, and will be doing this routine as a precautionary measure anyway. Seems to be working out pretty well.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the info guys ill go for the no pest strips if i can find them i dont think most hardware stores will carry those in winter time... :S