Permanent tolerance?


A long while ago I used a huge, huge dose of fresh morning glory, which contains LST which has not yet broken down into LSA. The trip was extremely intense, and I had a level 5, followed by a blackout of sorts. After that, I found that acid didn't effect me as much as it should have; two tabs just gave me a little buzz and some nice visuals. I tried taking a whole milligram of 25C-nbome with very little effect. So I have to wonder, can a very intense trip put you out of the game permanently?
Good question... Not to My knowledge OR experience

Gotta wait at least 3 days to get full effects again. Cleansing.
Other than that... I think that is unheard of someone tripping a level 5.
Then not ever being able to trip hard again... Probably just a coincidence.
Oh yeah, I space my trips a few weeks apart, especially where nbomes are involved. I think I need to just whip up some N,N-DMT. I tried extracting from mucuna, but it is up for debate whether or not it contains any. It does not, judging by my experience. It does, however, have an insanely high bio-available supply of nicotine and l-dopa, which makes them a pleasant smoke without extraction.
Yeah I can testify about DMT taking things to the next level. Just did my first extraction using Acadia Confusa. Made all trips before it seem like a joke.