Perfered Curing Methods


Active Member
I cant stand the taste of water cured bud. I bought some not knowing it was water cured, then after further examination and smoking it, it was clear as day. I couldnt taste any flavor, it was extremley smooth, but the over all taste was very poor. Bad after tastes too.

I will be harvesting mine in a month or so and will def. wait the time for drying properly and curing to smoke since ive cared for girls religously every day of their lives.


Well-Known Member
I'll be in your boat in a few more weeks, I know it's a crucial step, but how much of a change do you notice in taste, smell, smoke?

Has anyone smoked a nug before and after? I know it should be smoother burning and better tasting but it adds another full month to it!! :P Good things take time I guess.
I've never cured my own cause well i havent even harvested once. BUT! I do kno from lots of personal smoking good weed experience lmfao. I've bought shit that wasnt cured right or even really dried out all the way !! Cause as soon as u'd try to tear it apart u'd squash it! Granted it still smoked n taste good n get u high! When this happens I go home thru all the bud I bought in a glass jar n let it sit for afew days. You'll notice more crystals show more, the smell will come out more, as well as flavor most times. Depends on strain etc.. But no matter the dank i had if it wasnt what i wanted, I finished curing it myself n found it very pleasing I even found that doing this wit mid grade Does alil of the same effect unless its the shit u can breakup just by pinchin it then its just a pain lol.


Well-Known Member
Growing up in the hills, I have always known growers and farm folk in general, and keeping weed in mason jars is just how we did it. To this day, when I buy a bag I dump it in a mason jar, and usually it does enhance the bouquet, as mclean said. I even but brick weed in mason jars if I am relegated top smoking that shit, and it helps.
And, only one harvest under the belt, but my experience has been thus......I cut down the plant, manicured it 85%, hung plants for four days in closet, then trimmed off buds and placed into brown paper sack, left open for 3 days, then into mason jars with stopper lids. After two weeks, the smoke was really good. After three...even better......Friday is 4 weeks and I will sample again. I jarred the buds from low to high...and am curing the "high" buds for 6 weeks or more.
Anyway....blah blah blah. Enough said.