Perfect old op...bout to be renewed


Well-Known Member
sorry there. theres gonna be about 4 20gallons and the rest will be 10
it is water soluble (1 teaspoon per gallon of water). but i mixed a few handfulls in with my soil mix. this stuff is great and very safe to use. it wont hurt your plants even if you are generous(not too much so) with it. and it is also very flexible depending on how messed up the PH is just add it a bit more lime.


Well-Known Member
peat moss is spongey absorbent growing medium. made from the moss that grows on peat. peat is just decomposing plant matter found in bogs. never used it. skip the field dirt and horse manure. vermiculite, perlite, and kellogs garden soil. i don't think perlite is technically "organic" but its just for aeration and moister retention and is completely sterile.
why skip the horse manure? Granted fresh shit might not be so good but manure that's been chillin for a few years seems to work great. When your diggin like 10 feet wide holes that are five feet deep putting ptting soil in the holes would be rather expensive if you ask me....


Well-Known Member
im not diggin that big uh holes tho lol thatd be HUGE. and ya we have a big pile of manure thats been cookin for years. so manure, vermiculite, and what kinda nutrients?


Well-Known Member
im gettin excited now guys, i just went out and made the holes all ready for the bags which i bought today. i expanded the holes a little tho. before the guy had only 2 huge grow bags and i widened the hole so itll have 4. its now 4 ft by 4 ft and bout 3 ft deep. all he other bags will be 15 gallon. and i got 10 of those. im goin ahead and resusing the soil from the old bags but since theres a lotta roots in it i made a strainer type thing outta really fine chicken wire. im puttin all the soil thru it and takin out all the rocks andd roots. im gonna add horse manure to it to get it nice and fresh.



Well-Known Member
im not diggin that big uh holes tho lol thatd be HUGE. and ya we have a big pile of manure thats been cookin for years. so manure, vermiculite, and what kinda nutrients?
your soil,manure, vermiculite and some meat meal and a water with molasses (get the microbes working)before you plant should be all they need for the first month,
then i would just use fish emulsion(always gives great results)every other watering(half dose)....

that is what works for me(apart from the big fish i put below my plant):hump:


Well-Known Member
k i got one hole the one hole thats 4 ft by ft and 3 ft deep all sug out and enough soil to fill it. if i put 4 plants in there are they going to kill eachother? if so would putting in wooden dividers stop them from killing eachother?


Well-Known Member
amend that. if they were each seperate holes 3' by 1' would be fine. combo holes need a lil more space.


Well-Known Member
thats fine. generous actually when you think that a 5 gallon pot is only about a foot deep and a foot wide.


Well-Known Member
How big ya think a palnt would get in a 5 gal bucket. lol i just went out to see how big our pots are (theyre all 5 gal by the way) and i found the biggest alligator lizard ive ever seen lol pretty cool


Well-Known Member
haha i just caught an 8 inch alligator lizard around my plants. 6 feet is realistic. but once again...if you are modest with your predictions, you can only be impressed. a 6ft goal is always a set up for disappointment.